Numerology, Solstice and 2019
Jupiter and Venus align for collaboration, prosperity and creating something new in June. The last week of June gathers these forces and asks us to step-up in at least one or two places in our life, to BE the person we want to be. Use June for conscious decisions and open your heart to dream big while taking actions toward that dream. (July is a different story).
The last week of June holds the last gems of this magical combination for a while.
Venus has been in Taurus for almost the entire month. It has brought prosperity energy to start or move forward important projects for the rest of the year, and you have the rest of this week to use it before the planet of pleasure moves into the forces of confusion and potential irritation.
Sacred Geometry is embedded in the foundation of Indian Numerology.
Since 2019 is a 3 year in Indian Numerology, we are being asked to take a BIG view of our lives and in particular in the month of June.
This is the year to make long term plans and be open to the vision that comes to you in June and in your dreams (except for the eclipse days in July.)
Look for more on the eclipse season of mid-2019 in other videos and blogs from Kathleen.
Jupiter and the Number 3
Jupiter’s number in Indian Numerology is 3.
Venus’ number in Indian Numerology is 6.
The Number of a planet in Indian Numerology is reflected in the shapes created from the Vedic Square and is an incredible visual learning of the harmony of the planets, Sacred Geometry and how to practice numerology in a way that creates understanding and harmony between people.
2019 is a Number 3 Year
Solstice occurs on the 21st and thus lights up 2 + 1 = 3. The date of Solstice lights up the energy of Jupiter which brings healing energy to the water element within our bodies this year.
June is the 6th month and this lights up Venus. (Venus’s number in Indian Numberology is 6).
What is significant about June Solstice this year is that Jupiter and Venus are in harmonious places and are opposite each other at the moment of Solstice! These two planets are only opposite each other or in the same constellation for three weeks, two times a year. And the energy of June 21, 2019
6 + 3 + 3 = 3 is an incredibly powerful and resonant energy for everything from conceiving children, conceiving new ideas, making long term life plans and tapping into Love. Tap into the feeling that together we create something greater than the sum of us – that we can resonate with Peace and kindness and keep focused on raising our vibration. We can transform our patterns of pain not by bypassing them, but by having others witness our not so perfect self and stand by us.
The two great teachers in Indian Astrology are Jupiter and Venus.
These two great energies aligned at June Solstice align the light of the sun and the light of the two brightest planets in the sky (that is why they are the ‘teachers’ they bring the light into our minds and bodies.)
It’s a significant year with 2019 being a 3 year connected with Jupiter and the advice we get from our supervisors, bosses and those who counsel each of us to helping us find a long term vision for our life.
Live consciously and aligned with natural rhythms.