Two Major Events coincide to create an Abundant New Moon this March.
The New Moon on March 17, 2018 aligns in Pisces, and joins Venus and Mercury in Pisces to usher prosperity & beauty into your life!
Your Super Simple Abundance Ritual is below.
One time a year, Venus moves into its most powerful place in the heavens for creativity, the arts, connection, and love (which is related to feeling connected after all).
This is when Venus moves into Pisces, and for some, this annual event also inspires indulgence, so be open to inspiration by all means, while keeping a watch on binging on romance movies, over eating certain foods or a “need” for pampering which is really a “want” (different than healthy, self-care and nourishment).
Venus flows through Pisces for almost the entire month of March ~ and the New Moon with this Venus releases this new Prosperity energy. All three planets of LIGHT that bring goodness, knowledge and guidance to you are connected in a special way right now.
Magnetize Abundance and Prosperity with this New Moon!
Saturday March 17 is the Red Day on the Conscious Calendar (read below).
The New Moon in Pisces is Saturday March 17 at 1:11 PM GMT / 6:11 AM PST and in Sydney for instance, at 12:11 am on Sunday March 18.
This New Moon in Pisces is swimmingly beautiful and elegant ~ the Moon floats through Pisces with both Venus (at its most powerful all year) and Mercury in this creative and spiritually evolved water sign.

“Abundance flows into my life with ease and grace.”
This is a special New Moon.
A NEW MOON PROSPERITY RITUAL for this New Moon (not all new moons!):
1. Literally take a check, or a piece of paper and write on it today’s date (whenever you do this).
2. Then, write the check TO you,
and on the payment line write WHAT you are currently in the process of receiving (It could be three more high paying clients, it could be your long-term love, the position of that perfect job). Remember, to think present tense, in the process of receiving, not in the future! That is a special prosperity practice nugget.
3. and then sign it ~ The Universe ~
Another key to this, is putting it on an altar or a spot on the NORTH side of a room or house (Vastu, Indian Feng Shui) and remembering it each day, to tap your sub-conscious mind to remember to see the opportunities and act upon them. Did you know that you really can develop luck?
There are practices which are mostly about queing the mind to see opportunities, and acting on them, and having perseverance (luck takes action folks).
[Venus is in Jupiter’s sign, and Jupiter is in Venus’ sign.Venus and Jupiter exchange almost all month, bringing even more light to the Green Days starting in early March.
Two of the three planets which make Green Days are dancing in each other’s constellation.
There is even more now to have me rave about the Green Days, since these planets gain double the strength on Green Days to bring luck, opportunity, creative inspiration, expansion and…indulgence or attachment to being treated a certain way in love relationships.
So, watch those desires at the same time too!]
Red Days are the quietest energy of the month – according to Lunar Light
Red Days are NO Days.
- No major business activity recommended.
- No launches
- No buying homes
- Do not sign contracts in general
- Do not over-do physical exercise or workouts or push yourself too hard
- These are good days for resting, caring for your health and spiritual practices or moving slower through your day.
March 18 marks the FIRST LUNAR DAY for most of the world, since the Moon becomes New before Sunrise on March 18.
That is why you want to take extra good care of your health on Saturday March 17 (Red Day), and wake fresh on Sunday March 18th to enact the Abundance Ritual. Use the fresh new energy of Sun and Moon ~ a special approach unique to Vedic Astrology.Mega Red Days are different – and magnify deepening your spiritual practices. Subscribers to Conscious Calendars receive ALL the dates of the Mega Red Days for the year.
***This Abundance Ritual was shared with the paid subscribers on March 1 and they have received videos and the ability to plan for this New Moon.
If you want to know about the New and Full Moons and aligned living tips, and Red, Yellow and Green Days ahead of time, then order a year of Conscious Calendars.
Want to learn more about the Indian lunar calendar and Vedic Astrology?
Want to learn more on how the Calendars are calculated?
Kathleen shares the basis for this lunar calendar, that distills ALL of the daily energy of the planets, constellations’ influence on the Moon and thus a kind of ‘energy of the day’ here: