Today is an Auspicious Day!
It is a GREAT day to begin or do anything.
All actions taken on this day continue and do not diminish in effect.
Giving to charity or giving back in some way.
Wedding or engagement
Buy land, house, investment or vehicle (if you were already planning on it)
Pujas and prayers
Start a mantra practice – especially prosperity practices.
(In Asia, many people buy gold so that “it never diminishes”.)
Ripples of Benefit
Today is called Akshaya Tritiya. It means “Endless” or that which never diminishes.
That is why actions taken on this day ripple benefits upon the person and helps the item/action ‘never end’. Good ripples into the world without end.
So, if you were going to GIVE BIG today, even a small donation to a charity you care about can make a big energetic difference. And give you good karma points too (but that is not why we do it – it is to have actions that expand happiness and contentment and that diminish suffering never end.)
Give Big is a U.S. event to encourage giving to non-profits and benefit corporations.
What is special about 2019’s date is that it also happens to be an ‘almost’ Green Day!
Fertile Moon
There is a place in the sky which is considered fertile and fostering harmony. In Vedic Astrology, when the Moon moves through this region of sky the moon is called ‘exalted’ or that consciousness is full and can grow and reflect our constant inner-luminous nature. When the Moon is in this region of sky (called a lunar mansion) then it is is in a fertile place for growing and fostering love, family harmony.
Today this Consciousness-expanding moon is also opposite Jupiter on this day – this can only happen once every 12 years! And Venus is in a place that fosters love and creativity right now (only once a year for three weeks).
So go ahead and start something, give to charity, volunteer, gift someone your time and love and presence because what you do on this day ripples outward and inward endlessly!
Advanced Vedic Astrology details
Today’s moon is in Rohini Nakshatra and Jupiter is in Scorpio shining on the Moon with Venus in Pisces. Akshaya Tritiya each year is auspicious on its own, not needing any special alignments. But today just happens to have some extra blessings!
Akshaya Tritiya is a Hindu and Jain holiday and is celebrated throughout Asia.
It falls on the third day of waxing moon of the lunar month called Vaishika every year.
If you want tips like this ahead of time, join the Conscious Calendars Membership and get a Monthly Astro Forecast at the beginning of each month with tips like this, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.
Live proactively. Live consciously and aligned with natural rhythms.
Live proactively. Live consciously and aligned with natural rhythms.