Your Guide To Australia’s Biggest Full Moon Events For 2022
The year 2021 brought us some really amazing moons. We could always find solace when the light of the full moon shines down upon you, warming you as the sun’s reflection. From the Strawberry Moon to the Flower Moon and all in between we are all connected under the same moon around the world. Fortunately for us, we know when the sun will rise each morning and when the moon will set at night. 2022 already has some stunning moons on the horizon, some super moons and 4 eclipses. There are two lunar eclipses in 2022. There are even moons we haven’t heard of before, such as the Sturgeon Moon and Buck Moon.
Your 2022 full moon guide (with the precise time they’ll be at peak light in Australia) is provided below:
Note the Full Moon dates are for UTC in bold and the exact date and time for Australia is in the description.

JANUARY 18, 2022
Vedic Sky Map: The Full Moon is in Cancer in Vedic Astrology in January 2022.
The Wolf Moon is the first full moon of 2022, peaking on January 18th at 10:48 am (Sydney). Some refer to it as the Ice Moon or the Moon after Yule, but in essence, this moon ushers in a new Lunar Year – the Year of the Tiger. It got its name from the assumption that wolves howl more in January because it’s mating season.

FEBRUARY 17, 2022
Vedic Sky Map: The Full Moon is in Leo according to Vedic Astrology in February 2022.
The rare Snow Moon will occur on February 17th, 3:57 am (Sydney) It’s is named for the considerable snowfall that happens in America throughout February. Its earlier titles were usually related to animals, such as the Bear Moon and the Bald Eagle Moon.

MARCH 18, 2022
The Full Moon is in Virgo according to Vedic Astrology in March 2022.
The Worm Moon, which is thought to be called after the earthworms of warming spring soil, will appear on March 18th at 6:17 pm Australia Time (Sydney).
Equinox and transition to the Fall season Even though it is Fall in the southern hemisphere, the transition from summer to fall begins to be felt at Equinox.

APRIL 17, 2022
There is a partial Lunar Eclipse at the end of this month.
The Full Moon is in Libra according to Vedic Astrology in April 2022.
Sorry to disappoint, but the Pink Moon does not, according to popular belief, cause the moon to turn pink, but that does not make it any less magnificent. This moon, which occurs on April 17th at 4:55 am in Sydney, is named after the rose-hued phlox flower, which may be found all over America at this time of year.

MAY 16, 2022
The Full Moon is in Scorpio according to Vedic Astrology in May 2022.
The Flower Moon, also known as the Milk Moon, will occur on May 16th at 2:14 pm (Sydney). In even more thrilling news, a total lunar eclipse will occur on the same day at 3:11 pm (so basically moments before). A total lunar eclipse occurs when the “Moon and Sun are on opposing sides of the Earth,” according to NASA. In this case, the Earth acts as a big blocker, shutting out the Sun’s light, preventing it from reaching the Moon, and obscuring it from view. They are uncommon, but not as uncommon as a solar eclipse.

JUNE 14, 2022
The Full Moon is in Scorpio, a second time, according to Vedic Astrology in June 2022.
Super Moon in June 2022: The Strawberry Moon for 2022 will take place on June 14th, 9:52 pm in Sydney, and is named after the ideal time to collect ripening strawberries. This year, it was held on June 25th, and it was all about increasing productivity, particularly in our careers and working life.

JULY 14, 2022
The Full Moon is in Sagittarius according to Vedic Astrology in July 2022.
Super Moon in July 2022: The Buck Moon, named for the heightened growth of male deer antlers, is set to occur on July 14th at 4:37 am Sydney time. This moon’s spiritual meaning is stated to be about seeking our own personal development and letting go of whatever has been impeding us. Consider it a new beginnings moon.

AUGUST 11, 2022
The Full Moon is in Capricorn according to Vedic Astrology in August 2022.
The Sturgeon Moon, also known as the Green Corn Moon, will be seen in Australian skies on August 12th at 11:35 am in Sydney. This moon, known as the ‘coming of harvest,’ harnesses the power of persistence and tenacity. It’s about flowing with the flow and trusting in the cosmos to have your back. It’s named after the ease with which freshwater fish can be caught this time of year (especially sturgeon).

SEPTEMBER 10, 2022
The Full Moon is in Sagittarius according to Vedic Astrology in July 2022.
Super Moon in July 2022: The Buck Moon, named for the heightened growth of male deer antlers, is set to occur on July 14th at 4:37 am Sydney time. This moon’s spiritual meaning is stated to be about seeking our own personal development and letting go of whatever has been impeding us. Consider it a new beginnings moon.

OCTOBER 10, 2022
The Full Moon is in Pisces according to Vedic Astrology in October 2022.
The Blood Moon, as its name suggests, can sometimes be tinged a crimson color, and is scheduled to occur on October 10th at 7:54 am Sydney. This is another eclipse, which occurs when the Earth obscures the moon’s view of the sun, causing a partial or total eclipse.

NOVEMBER 8, 2022
Total Lunar Eclipse
The Full Moon is in Aries according to Vedic Astrology in November 2022.
The Frost Moon, the year’s second-to-last full moon, will occur on November 8th at 10:02 pm Sydney. It will include yet another total lunar eclipse, which will most likely affect the brightness or color of the moon. It heralds the arrival of winter for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere, reminding them to hunker down as temperatures plummet.

DECEMBER 7, 2022
The Full Moon is in Taurus according to Vedic Astrology in December 2022.
The last full moon of the year is scheduled to appear in our skies on December 8th at 3:08 am, 2022 (so you might miss it unless you’re prepared to set an alarm). It is also known as the Long Night Moon since it appears on one of the longest nights of the year, though it will not appear on the longest night of the year in 2022. The Cold Moon has a high trajectory across the sky, therefore it will most likely be visible on the horizon for a longer amount of time.