Retrograde Venus
When Venus retrogrades it can be a time of drama and can create obstacles for romance, love and marriages. As a case study, the fated and famous couple J Lo and Ben Affleck, otherwise known as Bennifer, finally got married twenty years after their initial broken engagement.
That first engagement between J Lo and Ben Affleck occurred under a Venus retrograde. See the timeline of JLo and Ben Affleck below to see why it might not have worked the first time. It was all about timing.
JLo and Ben Affleck Engaged Twice
The Vedic Astrology view of J Lo and Ben Affleck’s broken engagement would be because they got engaged during Venus retrograde, and here are the dates and timeline:
Nov 1 2002 – Venus enters Retrograde in Libra
July 2002 – Began dating
Nov 2002 – Engagement 1
Sept 2003 – Wedding called off, just days before the September 14 date
Jan 2004 – Officially called off engagement
Because Venus was in retrograde in Libra on Nov. 1 2002, it was a harbinger of ill fate for couples who got married or engaged during this time.
On September 14, 2003 in Santa Barbara, CA, with Mars in retrograde opposite Jupiter, Sun, and Venus in Leo casting intensity, anger and miscommunication from the Mercury retrograde happening at the same time.
Sept 2003 was a challenging time to get married!
Then in Jan 2004 – Jupiter, the planet of reason was retrograde, shining on the Sun and the planet of love, Venus. All of the inflection points of the Bennifer relationship crumpled under the pressure.
But Bennifer was meant to be
Fast forward 20 years. With maturity, and children with other people, the fate of Bennifer is different.
JLo and Ben Affleck Surprise Wedding
A Surprise wedding between JLo and Ben occurred July 16, 2022 in Las Vegas, NV
This is when Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury were all direct with none of the same planetary hinderances that were present during the first engagement. Saturn was retrograde in Capricorn opposite both Sun and Mercury, showing that wisdom can help people return to each other as long as there is compromise. We will see if this marriage has legs.
Of course, it wasn’t the best day chosen to get married because it was considered a neutral day on Conscious calendars. A full green day would be the ideal choice for the success of such an event.
The Pink Diamond from Ben Affleck
And what of the fated PINK diamond engagement ring, costing $2.5 million in 2002? As much attention as it got, according to me and Vedic astrology, diamonds that have color are tainted with minerals and other compounds which cloud and block the love and connection in a person’s Vedic chart and life. And JLO’s recent engagement ring is a green diamond.
The pink or green diamond is NOT seen as a good omen according to us in Vedic Astrology. Just because there is a buzz about something, does not mean it is a good thing.
Venus retrogrades again
Venus retrogrades again in an even bigger way in March of 2025, when Venus retrogrades in Pisces with Rahu from March 2 – April 12. Find out more about this astrological event and how it will impact you with your Conscious Calendars subscription, where you receive monthly detailed forecasts, emails with deeper insight, courses, retreats, and much more from Kathleen Whalen.