Your Guide To The Biggest Moon Events for the Rest of 2022
The year 2021 brought us some really amazing moons. We could always find solace when the light of the full moon shines down upon you, warming you as the sun’s reflection. From the Strawberry Moon to the Flower Moon and all in between we are all connected under the same moon around the world.
Here are the remaining Full Moon events for the remainder of 2022. (US and UK times listed)

AUGUST 11 or 12, 2022
The Full Moon is in Capricorn according to Vedic Astrology in August 2022.
The Sturgeon Moon, also known as the Green Corn Moon, will be seen in on August 11 at 9:35 PM in New York and August 12th at 1:35 UTC in London / 2:35 AM BST. This moon, known as the ‘coming of harvest,’ harnesses the power of persistence and tenacity. It’s about flowing with the flow and trusting in the cosmos to have your back. It’s named after the ease with which freshwater fish can be caught this time of year (especially sturgeon).

SEPTEMBER 10, 2022
The Full Moon is in Aquarius according to Vedic Astrology in September 2022.
It’s time to reap what you’ve planted when the Harvest Moon appears in the sky on September 10th at 5:59 AM in New York and 9:59 UTC / 10:59 AM BST in London.  This moon, also known as the Fruit Moon, Barley Moon, and Hungry Ghost Moon, is the closest full moon to the fall equinox and is symbolic of new beginnings.

OCTOBER 9, 2022
The Full Moon is in Pisces according to Vedic Astrology in October 2022.
The Blood Moon, as its name suggests, can sometimes be tinged a crimson color, and is scheduled to occur on October 9th at 4:54 PM in New York and 20:54 UTC / 9:54 PM BST in London. This is another eclipse, which occurs when the Earth obscures the moon’s view of the sun, causing a partial or total eclipse.

FROST MOON and Total Lunar Eclipse
NOVEMBER 8, 2022
The Full Moon is in Aries according to Vedic Astrology in November 2022.
The Frost Moon, the year’s second-to-last full moon, will occur on November 8th at 6:02 AM in New York and 11:02 UTC / 11:02 AM GMT in London. It will include yet another total lunar eclipse, which will most likely affect the brightness or color of the moon. It heralds the arrival of winter for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere, reminding them to hunker down as temperatures plummet.

DECEMBER 7 or 8, 2022
The Full Moon is in Taurus according to Vedic Astrology in December 2022.
The last full moon of the year is scheduled to appear in our skies on December 7th at 11:08 PM in New York and December 8th at 4:08 UTC / 4:08 AM GMT in London (so some of you might miss it unless you’re prepared to set an alarm). It is also known as the Long Night Moon since it appears on one of the longest nights of the year, though it will not appear on the longest night of the year in 2022. The Cold Moon has a high trajectory across the sky, therefore it will most likely be visible on the horizon for a longer amount of time.