Buddha’s Birthday and Day of enlightenment
May 18/19 is called Buddha Poornima or Buddha full moon.
The Buddha’s birthday is celebrated with the Scorpio full moon each year. It is also called Veshak or Vashaika in the Indian lunar Calendar.
This is the day that the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha is celebrated around the world.
May you discover and embody your inner Buddha nature of light by remembering to honor life, be generous, kind and mindful of the power of speech.
Buddha Full Moon May 18/19 2019
The Full Moon in Scorpio is celebrating reaching into the depths of our true selves and discovering that there is no need to effort or ‘do’ when we realize our true nature. Like floating in the depths of the ocean, or the womb of the Universe, we can realize what is called the ‘Ground of Lumonisity’ or our Buddha nature in any moment!
The full moon in Scorpio is about allowing Peace, allowing flow in our lives. And in 2019 it is a special year because the full moon is with Jupiter!
Buddha Full Moon or Buddha Poornima with Jupiter can only occur once every 12 years since Jupiter is only in Scorpio for a year, once every 12 years.
Jupiter brings extra blessings when it is with the moon for 2.5 days – this is one of the factors that make a Green Day in the Conscious Calendars system after all. A full moon with Jupiter has an even greater effect in 2019 when actions are taken on the days around this Veshak or Buddha Poornima. Actions taken on these Green Days will grow and blossom in the future. So Meditate, break down barriers that separate your sense of self from others because actions taken on this full moon have a positive karmic effect for spiritual enlightenment.
Actions that are resonant on this Buddha full moon of 2019 are connected with the element of water:
- Meditating at the time of the full moon
- Having a “Float Session” in a sensory deprivation tank – it helps your meditations immensely too
- Full Moon in Scorpio May 18/19 – You are always in flow, just relax and you will float. Happy Buddha Full Moon, Vesak
- New Moon in Taurus June 3 – You are safe, there is kindness in the world. Ask for support.
- Venus and Jupiter align starting June 4th! Special co-creative combination with Venus and Jupiter are hugging the Earth (Venus will be in Taurus with the new moon, and Jupiter will be in Scorpio creating an ability to collaborate and build respect of those you work with.)
Buddha Full Moon
May 18/19 2019 is called Buddha Poornima.
Today  is Vesak, or Vashaika in the Indian lunar Calendar.
This is the day that the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha is celebrated around the world.
May you discover and embody your inner Buddha nature of light by remembering to honor life, be generous, kind and mindful of the power of speech.
Buddha is connected with the planet Mercury.
Mercury is the planet of speech and communication, and one aspect of the mind.
Mercury is often connected with the manifestation of Buddha on Earth as one of the avatars of Visnu.
Buddha after all was a Hindu Prince who revolutionized the religion he was born into and had radical ideas like stopping animal sacrifice and that women or anyone could become enlightened. He saw that anyone could experience realization.
Mantra for Mercury and Buddhi to develeop intellect
The mantra for Mercury, sung on Wednesdays often in the Indian tradition is actually naming our Buddha Mind and energizing our Buddhi.
Om Bum Buddhaya Namaha!
Bum is pronounced as Boong, as in loon, with an ng, or anusvara sound at the end.
Buddhi is the aspect of mind or consciousness which draws us toward Truth (Sat) or toward investigating the nature of True Self. Â The purpose of Buddhi you could say is that the curious mind is drawn toward its Highest Purpose, to understand its true Self, the Universe and its place within the endless web.
Mercury is the son of Jupiter in many of the Indian myths and Puranas.
One of my teaching communities has this to say about Mercury:
“According to the Linga Purana, Mercury is the son of the Moon by his wife Rohini. Yet in the Vishnu Purana, Brahma Purana, Devi Bhagvata Bhagwat Purana, Harivansha Purana, Padma Purana and Vayu Purana a story is told of the seduction of Brahaspati’s (Jupiter’s) wife Tara by the Moon – and Buddha is born from her.” from Harish Johari community and Sanatan Society.
Conscious Calendars keep you aligned with the movements of the Moon
Want to order a year of Conscious Calendars all based in Vedic Astrology principles describing the Moon’s alignment and the energy of the day? Go HERE.
Want to learn more about the Indian lunar calendar?
Want to learn more on how the Calendars are calculated?
Kathleen shares the basis for this lunar calendar, that distills ALL of the daily energy of the planets, constellations’ influence on the Moon and thus a kind of ‘energy of the day’ here:Â www.consciouscalendars.com/mini-ccal scroll down just a tad to see the video of Kathleen sharing with you how the calendars are calculated.
When is Buddha Purnima in 2019? May 18 /19
When is Buddha Purnima in 2020? June 5