Did you know that each Chakra is connected with a planet in our solar system?
One of the highest Chakras is connected with Saturn.
Each planet is associated with a different chakra and describes different paths we can be taking in any moment- on any day of our lives. The planets in our solar system are in a perfect balance as they orbit the sun, and the chakras reflect that we are in harmony ‘inside and out’ with the Universe and our solar system. In the advanced teachings of the chakras — the planets, colors, and tastes are interwoven with your experience of life, your spiritual development and states of consciousness.
Chakras and vibration
The path the chakras is about your connection and harmony with states of mind. The chakras are all about vibration.
Neutrality and Peace are the energies of the higher chakras ~ non-judgement of self and others (and non-identity with our bodies or individual self) are one of the natural things that flow when we are vibrating with the 6th chakra.
Saturn is associated with the higher chakras and specifically the 6th Chakra, guiding us to one of the highest levels on our path of spiritual evolution.
Saturn is associated with time and is timeless.
Saturn is the planet of time and in its highest sense, it helps us realize that we are beyond time, and that we are one with the Universe and that we come from stardust. We literally are made of the complex molecules which had to have passed through numerous stars to even exist.
Try thinking about a problem right now…then imagine how that same problem will look in one year, 5 years, 100 years or 1,000 years. The smaller problems find their perspective when you think of things this way. Saturn gives us each the long term view with our problems and our focus in life.
Now think about the bigger problems that will have an impact for decades depending on how you act? Let those can then motivate you to make a difference or keep your focus on the present for what will have a long-term effect.
Breathe into the timelessness and be filled with light and stardust.
Meditation and ascetic living (going without, or simple living) is also associated with Saturn. Â Have you ever noticed how deep meditation connects you with timelessness and a place without thoughts?
This is why developing a meditation practice brings perspective. Â Science has even proven the positive side effects to handling stress and being resilient from meditation and that meditation or building any regular disciplined self awareness practice, even just 10 minutes a day, brings great benefit, over time.
Saturn and Success
Strengthening delayed gratification helps each of us understand and distinguish the difference between what we need and what we want.
Success is consistently associated with the muscle we have built around delayed gratification, keeping us healthy to boot, and helping us be our best selves. This might not seem like a sexy topic, but when you start to see that discipline, building habits, delayed gratification, meditation are all associated with reduced stress, higher success and long term happiness – why wouldn’t we each strive for building these healthy habits?
You will be happier, understand the timelessness of the Universe and be more successful when you embrace the energy, knowledge and patterns associated with Saturn in your life – it is the path of the 6th chakra. Which is different than the path of Bhakti and bliss, even though the path of the 6th chakra will bring eventual experience of extreme bliss.
Venus is connected with the path of bliss and bhakti and transforming heart-mind, emotions and longing/love into the energy which connects us with our Higher Self in a different way.
With the recent change of Saturn in Sagittarius, the planet now will be in the constellation which is direct alignment between the Sun of our solar system and the center of our Galaxy. How is that for a bigger vantage point?
Saturn and Time
The planet of time and timelessness will be connected with our tiny corner of the Universe unlocking ancient secrets to our PLACE in the Universe and our place in the TIME of this version of the Universe.
After all, something existed before the big bang, and the Vedic Sages describe this process of an expanding and contracting Universe as the breath of Brahma.
I also see Saturn as associated with black holes and dark matter – which all sound to be dark, intense things on the surface, like many people take Saturn to be, but in actuality, black holes are the ultimate energy and matter creators and recyclers of the Universe.
The event horizon at the edge of a black hole is where all of the matter of stars collide, creating immense forces, plasma, energy and light that is often propelled light years out into the surrounding areas. When we begin to look at Saturn connected with black holes, we begin to see how the planet of something that appears to be a negative, dark place where matter is annihilated is actually a place where NEW matter, light and energy is being expelled into the Universe which becomes the new building blocks for future galaxies and possibly new solar systems.
How is that for transforming an idea of darkness into light? It is literal. A black hole creates new forms of energy and Saturn in its connection with the Sixth Chakra connects us with understanding timelessness, understanding our world beyond the duality of good / evil, Yin /Yang, light /darkness.
When one is vibrating at the 6th chakra the distress of this complicated world melts away – as great sages have shown us and many have experienced in their presence like Ramana Maharshi, a saint who rarely spoke but emanated a timeless wisdom and sense of hope to all who visited him or even approached the area where he lived.  Even today, many people experience epiphany or deep Peace when they visit where he lived, in the area at the base of mount Arunachala, Tiruvannamalai.
Saturn, Time and Peace
Saturn helps connect you with what is timeless within you.
I hope this has motivated you to begin or re-engage with meditation or a practice of Self Inquiry.
Simply asking ‘who is speaking’ ‘who is eating’ will immediately expand your view.
Asking “will this problem exist in 100 years” will help you find perspective with both the small and bigger ‘issues’ in life.
May you connect with your timeless, wise Self in the bliss of silence. Meet you there.
Chakras and States of Consciousness
When we think, act or sing in a way that activates a different path or choice we are shifting our vibration and activating a different chakra. Ideally we are adding light and energy to those areas of our ‘being’ or those layers of our aura in essence and not suppressing the energy within a chakra.
For instance, many people have experienced positive altered states of bliss or happiness with a meditation retreat or workshop or being with a teacher or guru which is vibrating in the higher chakras or who is functioning with very clear and harmonious lower chakras, and then returned home and shifted their personal energy to the 1st through 3rd chakras because it is safe and known. Activating the 1st chakra can help ground you, help create safety and release of waste materials or it can come with eating stale, leftover or fried food or experiencing fear and contraction.
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