It’s a Blue Moon on Halloween
FULL MOON BLUE MOON IN ARIES OCT 31 at 2:49 pm UTC/GMT / 10:49 AM EST / 7:49 AM PST / NOV 1 1:49 AM AEDT
A blue moon is the second full moon in a month. This year the blue moon lands on Halloween (I marked this on the October Conscious Calendar a year ago.) It’s fun that the full moon is on Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve this year.
I want to share with you two things about this full moon:
First, is some specific information about what’s going on with the Moon’s energy because it is connected with fire. It’s got some wild energy to it.
Second, is the ancient roots of Halloween and how it magically connects this year with the blue moon. And, where the Moon becomes full – Bharani Lunar Mansion in Aries.
So it matches perfectly with a story that I want to share with you about All Hallows’ Eve.
It is related to what my grandmother told me about All Hallows’ Eve. The second full moon this month is here in Aries, which is a fire sign. However, it’s actually in a particular place within Aries, which is what I call rambunctious energy, which is also detoxifying. The lunar mansion of the blue moon is in Bharani Nakshatra.
This full moon has this intense detoxifying energy which matches perfectly with the energy of what’s really happening on Halloween.
Before I tell you the story of my grandmother, I want to just set a little historical precedence. The Catholic religion actually absorbed many of the regional practices that it came across as it expanded its influence. So if there were some pagan practices (they were just more Earth practices) around in both Europe and around the world, the Catholic church integrated the old rituals into its canon. As the Catholic religion began to expand, and it wisely added old practices in order to find balance – it very often absorbed many of those traditions. Some of those traditions turned into why Christmas happens in December. And it just so happens that around Halloween, there is a European tradition.
All Hallows’ Eve Oct 31 and All Saints Day Nov 1
My grandmother explained Halloween traditions to me and how All Saints Day is connected with the ancient practices of the Celts: On the first of November, the Catholic tradition celebrates All Saints Day. On this day, people say and remember the names of the saints and holy people. It’s a way to remember the path of those before you (much like Buddhist and Hindu practices to name the many versions of divine beings who have walked the Earth).
Clearing Home and Soul on All Hallows’ Eve and Samhain
My grandmother explained: The day before All Saints Day, that there was a European tradition where people would open up all of the doors and windows of their homes. They would sweep out (using your good old-fashioned homemade broom, just like a witch would ride on) all of the dust and clean the home. And clear negativity and ‘spirits’ from the home who might need help passing-over to the world of the dead.
It’s like the opposite season of spring cleaning. Everyone is getting ready for winter because things are going to be closed-in a little more in winter. It’s the season to clear things out and use the last of the sunshine before snow and rain settle in for winter. People would dust and put bed linens out and open windows. The idea is that it’s also letting negativity out of the home and bringing positive vibrations in. In other words, clearing the house of spirits.
And on this night before All Saints Day, the tradition was to light fires around the neighborhood. Any negative influences or spirits who have lingered in this world could leave your home and life and be drawn towards the fires in the neighborhood. (This is my grandmother’s version).
Notice how my grandmother’s story shows the connection between the Celtic practices which made their way through Europe and the world when the Catholic church absorbed the local practices of the Celts.
Samhain and All Hallows’ Eve
Excerpted from Learn Religions
“By Jack Santino For LOC, Updated January 15, 2020
Halloween or Samhain had its beginnings in an ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival of the dead. The Celtic peoples, who were once found all over Europe, divided the year by four major holidays. According to their calendar, the year began on a day corresponding to Nov. 1 on our present calendar. The date marked the beginning of winter. Since they were pastoral people, it was a time when cattle and sheep had to be moved to closer pastures and all livestock had to be secured for the winter months. Crops were harvested and stored. The date marked both an ending and a beginning in an eternal cycle.
The festival observed at this time was called Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween). It was the biggest and most significant holiday of the Celtic year. The Celts believed at the time of Samhain, more than any other time of the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living. At Samhain the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld. People gathered to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables. They also lit bonfires in honor of the dead, to aid them on their journey, and to keep them away from the living. On that day all manner of beings were abroad: ghosts, fairies, and demons–all part of the dark and dread.”
What Dressing Up on Halloween Represents
Notice how the tradition of All Hallows’ Eve began to be integrated into the Catholic traditions as the Celtic practices were being subsumed. The “dress up” we currently do nowadays, to be a ghost or a ghoul is actually mimicking the energies trying to resolve and bring balance into your life. Let Go of what you want to release into the fires. Just like the spirits are being drawn to the fire and being ushered into the afterlife from the previous year in the Celtic tradition. Let go of the energy that needs to move-on.
So in our own lives, we can use this metaphor, the full moon is in Aries, in particular, as it is in a detoxifying place. This lunar mansion has to do with ushering lives safely to the other world for absorption into the Universe in the Vedic tradition. (It just so happens that the Nakshatra Bharani is about ushering souls to the next plane, similar to the Celtic tradition. Not ALL October full moons are in this nakshatra or lunar mansion).
This is a fantastic time to do a mini cleanse (not that anything is impure in you). A cleanse can simply be “Oh, I’m going to drink water all day and not drink any tea or caffeine.” It doesn’t have to be anything major for a cleanse. It fact, it could be “I’m going to eat fruit all day.” “I’m going to clear out my home and open the windows”. If you’ve got a nice day.
Clearing home and body:
Here’s to detoxification – clearing your home, your body and mind on All Hallow’s Eve on the Blue Moon.
And please have fun. If you’re going out and I hope you have a gorgeous, gorgeous Harvest Moon with that full Blue Moon in Aries in the lunar mansion called Bharani, which is all about detoxification.
Southern Hemisphere:
Spring cleaning and fertility of life celebration is your theme for this Oct. 31 full moon.
In the southern hemisphere, it is more resonant to celebrate spring rituals like Beltaine which is a fertility event.
Plant bulbs and herbs which you will want to use throughout the summer.
Happy Halloween! It’s a great time to get yourself and your home ready for the winter.
I shared 6 videos about the two full moons, new moon, mercury retrograde and Health Tip of the month for October. This is currently the free bonus for all Annual Conscious Calendar subscribers.
“To make life a little better for people less fortunate than you, that’s what I think a meaningful life is. One lives not just for oneself but for one’s community.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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