Welcome Harvest Moons
Full Moon in Pisces Thursday Oct 1 10:05 PM GMT / 5:05 PM EST / 2:05 PM PST / OCT 2 7:05 AM AEDT
October first’s full moon is in a water constellation setting a theme for the month. It is time to welcome fluidity, movement and opening new possibilities in your life. When you move your body by listening to how you want and need to move you create new avenues and possibilities in your life.
Tap into Flow
The full moon is in Pisces, according to the Vedic system. This theme is about tapping into flow and fostering smooth changes in life. This moon inspires you to find flow in your body, and discover how to drop into a pleasant place where your breath settles and you loose track of time – that is flow. Often we tap into flow when we challenge ourselves just a little bit with a new activity or with a work activity that stretches our mind a bit. For me, gardening and weeding helps me tap into flow – I only notice the earth right in front of me and the feeling of earth on my hands, and all of a sudden my breath has slowed and time passes more slowly.
It is time to find your flow and rhythm in your day. It is time to nourish your soul.
Move your body when you feel stuck – it will help you all month long.
Whenever you feel stuck, I want you to try an act like seaweed.
Move fluidly and often to keep your energy moving. Soft, undulating movement as if you are in water will soften your joints, and help you make smooth transitions all month long.
I want you to think of how you can create more movement in your life; to keep from feeling obstructed or slowed down when Mercury begins retrograding mid-October.
It is very simple, just move like seaweed.
Another possibility is to move in any way when you feel stuck. If you feel blocked or some resistance then try to 1. roll your wrists or 2. roll your ankles.
Creating any form of movement in the body actually registers in the brain as movement! So, if you are holding or holding your breath, or feel stuck, just create movement and the entire brain registers that you are moving. This will actually help create change for you. The month is about tapping into flow.
I have shared a lovely – and aligned Full Moon Ritual with the Annual Conscious Calendars subscribers (plus videos and themes of the New and blue moons, Mercury Retrograde, and a Health Tip for the month too).
You can get the Full Moon Ritual with a subscription, see how to subscribe below.
October 1st is the first of TWO Full Moons this month
At the end of October is a blue moon! The blue moon lands on Halloween. How exciting to have a full, blue moon on Halloween.
Our second full moon occurs on Oct 31, Halloween. Stay tuned for info on that moon!
Annual Conscious Calendars
If you want more tips and insights ahead of time, get a year of Conscious Calendars and see the all the Green Days 12 months from now with your Annual Subscription.
At the beginning of each month you can access tips like this, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.