FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS Sunday August 26, 2018
FULL MOON occurs August 26 11:56 am UTC / 12:56 pm BST/ 7:56 am EDT / 4:56 am PDT
The full moon is in Aquarius according to Vedic Astrology (and sidereal astrology). See an explanation of Western and Vedic astrology maps (only one of many ways the systems are different).
Finally the full moon is out of the rays of the eclipse patterns! We are on our way to using the light in clear ways, now that Mercury is direct and that we are through the disruptive energy of the past week.
Be a revolutionary ~ let your colors show
The Full Moon in Aquarius reminds you to connect with the revolutionary within you. Those ideas you have that may be a bit different ~ The way that you see things from a different angle than others?
This is to be celebrated and you are being asked to share and express your ideas to contribute to your personal change and helping your community, town, work, or family make changes.
So, if you have been wanting to make changes and have been holding back (or felt misunderstood during Mercury Retrograde) or distracted by life from the last three eclipses and what they brought up.
It is time to go for it!
We have full light right now and even though the Moon will be waning after this full moon ~ The three Green Days coming up are going to help you gather steam. There are both Green Days in the end of August in the Conscious Calendars system AND there is also the beginning of the GOLDEN ZONE OF 2018!
I have been telling all the subscribers to Conscious Calendars since January of 2018 about the Golden Zone where all the planets of light and guidance are in strong places to support diplomacy, lucrative deals and contracts and movement creating events. In the Overview of the Year forecast event of the year, I shared about how Jupiter and Venus will be in Libra together for almost an entire month, and that Mercury in Virgo is a magical combination of the planets that help our dreams GROW (an important time for marketing, contracts, making important connections and experiencing deep learning and more with Mercury exalted in Vedic Astrology).Â
When the Moon is connected with these planets, these are the Green Days in the Conscious Calendars and in 2018 these are Green Days extraordinaire – or the Golden Zone of the year to enrich your life.Â
Golden opportunity is slipping away ~ new prices for all Conscious Calendars begins August 26, 2018.
Learn more about the Golden Zone of the year and look at Green Days ahead.
Dream It. Wish It. Do It!
The Moon in this air sign, Aquarius is connected with change and uniqueness. It reminds you to gather with others and give and receive support for your dreams and ideas. Notice how ‘makers’ (inventors and do-it-yourselfers) continue tinkering and working on their projects, and they often have others who have tried what they are doing and have advice for them?
Go and seek out others who have done something similar to what you want to do and ask them questions!
Be a child again and be curious. It does not matter if you succeed in the exact thing you set out to do. It is important that you follow the idea that has come to you recently and use this Golden Zone to follow things through. No regrets and a life filled with meaning is a rich life.
Mars goes direct in Capricorn
Monday August 27 MARS GOES DIRECT AUG 27 14:05 (2:05 pm) UTC
Mars is direct finally and then will proceed to make its way back over the eclipse mark in the sky. I will share with you the TWO times to look out for when this occurs next month.
Vedic Astrology uses a sidereal sky map which is just saying it is the same sky map an astronomer uses! Western astrology uses a different sky map (and so the full and new moons “sound” like they are in different constellations than Vedic Astrology or Sidereal astrology.)
When you look to the sky with the full moon, you actually see the full moon in the constellation according to the sidereal map or vedic astrology. When you look to the sky with the full moon, the moon is physically inhabiting that slice of the sky – from our view point on Earth looking to the stars. Western astrology will ‘say’ the moon is in a different location because it uses the Tropic of Cancer to ‘calculate’ where the moon and planets are, but the moon is not physically seen in that region of sky, as viewed from Earth. Check it out for yourself and use any apps you have to see the constellation that the Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Mercury travel.
Ancient Eastern knowledge consistently asks of you “to observe what is true for you and judge for yourself” in your spiritual journey. Begin observing and see what is true for you. This is the way to Self discovery. Begin observing the energy of the day with Conscious Calendars as it shares with you the energy of the day, by giving you insight as to where the Moon is on any given day, whether it is connected with the planets of light and guidance (Jupiter, Venus or Mercury), whether the Moon has enough light for outward, social or commerce related activities (Green Days, only 6 – 10 potential Green Days in any given month) and how the energy dips lower for all of us as the Moon wanes to its darkest every month (Red Days).
Western astrology is tropical astrology and that map was the same as sidereal map approximately 2000 years ago – with the natural shift and wobble of Earth’s axis the constellations have appeared to shift over the last 2,000 years. The map of astronomers and the sidereal map are the same!
Full Moon in Aquarius August 26, 2018
So, in Vedic Astrology if we say the Full Moon is in Aquarius, then the full moon is in Aquarius when you look to the sky.
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Stay in-tune and live a more harmonious life with updates on important astronomy and astrology shifts.
Conscious Calendars are a color coded Calendar based in right timing from Vedic Astrology and Kathleen Whalen which take into account all the planetary factors affecting the moon each day, around the world to give you the ‘energy of the day’ and it might affect your interactions and choices each day.
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