Full Moon in Capricorn August 3
Full Moon in Capricorn on Aug 3 is at 15:58 UTC (3:48 pm UTC) / 4:58 pm GMT / 11:58 am EDT / 8:58 am PDT and Aug 4 at 1:58 am AEST
Capricorn as the sign of work
Re-inventing the World of Work
Capricorn is the sign of work since it is the 10th house from Aries. This full moon points to new changes in many careers and re-inventing the structure or the ‘nuts and bolts’ of work. The “world of work” has forever changed with the pandemic. Those who have been able to work from home have been able to survive (and even thrive) during this time, but much of the world is either unemployed or an essential worker in health-care, grocery stores or take-out restaurants.
Re-Invent Yourself
This full moon is supporting you to re-invent your career or work. If you are a coach or consultant or therapist, this is the perfect month to create new packages and re-design your work. You will really gain even more steam in the second half of August when Mars shifts. The month of August is filled with transitions and random gifts and opportunities – especially to learn new skills.
Those of you who are coaches or teach have found new ways to offer your programs and teach. There ARE ways to have a virtual workshop which is deep and meaningful and that are not just looking at a screen!
The virtual conference is the way of the future for at least another year or two. The virtual and tech work which has been talked about for years is now here to stay. Many in the Conscious Calendars community have shared that you really do not want to ever return to commuting to a work place and are happy to work remotely from home. This gives more time to focus on time with family, your spiritual practices and to have more room in the day.
The world of work has changed.
I’ve helped many discover new ways to work and re-invent themselves – according to their individual Vedic Astrology birth chart. Plus, the ‘planetary cycle’ that someone is experiencing adds a mystical layer to point to where it is best to focus in life, love and work.
If you have been lost until now, this full moon is directing you to “get physical” or make changes in your work that will change your life for the next year.
Get Physical:
Safe Essential Services – outdoor home services
Some of you will be able to build a new side-career in the what I am calling safe essential services like landscaping, landscape design, landscape and gardening consulting. Painting, roofing, window installation, and home repair are all industries which are busier than ever since those who are working from home are able to pay for these services. There is a current back-log of enough people to do this work right now.
If you are a leader and know how to manage teams, you could become a manager in companies that provide essential home services, in things like home repairs, remodeling and construction. The construction industry is lacking in new, young trained professionals and this industry is only going to grow. More people working from home has stressed homes, plumbing and kitchens. And even as a renter, the landlords are going to have to upgrade plumbing and electrical systems with more people working from home over the next few years and decade.
Consider whether you would like gardening, weeding and landscape consulting or some other way you can support others and get paid.
Project management skills can be translated from brick and mortar stores to tech companies and construction companies. Your skills can likely translate to a new industry. Start thinking differently about your skills if you are thinking about a change of career.
More people are ramping up their digital skills to be able to get paid while working from home.
Get Physical with your daily routines too:
New workout routines are supported in the month of August. The full moon in Capricorn is all about making physical changes. So, it is a great time to change or switch things up. Start or change your daily walk and add connecting with the Earth as an important part of helping reduce stress.
New Routines are supported now even though it is Purple Days. Wake and go for a walk or spend time connecting with Mother Earth each morning – it is time to welcome how your day looks and welcome the bounties of the Earth into your life. Your health can improve when you connect with the Earth, growing your own vegetables and time with the trees. (Keep a look-out for some special plant remedies I am going to share with you.)
Work changes: Others are welcoming that they can work from home like they have never been able to before and expanding their digital skills or changing how they work with clients.
Saturn is the planet of work
Saturn is the planet of physical labor from agrarian work, farming to construction and any work which works with the earth. So, mining and any materials which work with Earth elements would be greatly influenced at this time. Saturn is in Capricorn giving even more prominence to the focus to re-invent and restructure what your career or work looks like.
The full moon in Capricorn is giving more momentum to a well-placed Saturn which will give perseverance, steadfastness and the ability to go the long haul.
This is the Universe’s way of saying that you are going to make it. Many people lost or almost lost their homes and careers in the 2008 crash and can look back to see that they made it through that difficult time. This wave is a global movement that is expanding two main sectors of work: digital/tech work or physical services which are essential services like construction, farming, home repairs and remodels, and food services.
The food businesses which are able to re-invent themselves for expanded take-out (that people order digitally) and expanded outdoor seating will survive through the pandemic.
Saturn and meditation
Saturn also represents the meditating practitioner. So, if you have been trying to de-stress with meditation or want to try it, then consider moving meditation to start.
This full moon is pointing to moving meditation or mindfulness as a great way to be resonant! Once again, weeding in the garden or planting an indoor plant is an action which could be moving mindfulness. Qi Gong and Tai Chi and walking meditation are great forms of Mindfulness.
If you would like to know how to re-invent your career or understand the most aligned spiritual practices for you, it is a perfect time to have a Vedic Astrology session with me, Kathleen Whalen.
One-on-One Vedic Astrology Session
Ready for further, personalized insight?
Have a single session with Kathleen Whalen, understand your personal patterns and illuminate your life path with Vedic Astrology.
Career changes, family planning, major moves, events, launches of all kinds, weddings, family travel, health support, dating and relationship decisions are all illumined through your Vedic Astrology Chart. Understand your personal karmic patterns in a session with Kathleen Whalen M.S.
Book your session with Kathleen here.
Annual Conscious Calendars
If you want more tips ahead of time, get a year of Conscious Calendars and see the Green Days 12 months from now with your Annual Subscription.
At the beginning of each month you can access tips like this, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.