Green Days in April Uplevel your life
We are less than a week away from THREE incredible Green Days everyone! April 9, 10 and 11 have ‘off the charts energy’, and a gorgeous full moon. It is time to uplevel your life, think BIG and execute on the dreams in your life.
The full moon on April 11 (but seen as full on April 10th around the world) is aligned with the good giving energy of Venus and Jupiter, which bring you new healing remedies and information, help you renew commitments for a vibrant life, gives an extra boost to social gatherings and connections and is perfect timing for expanding what you are doing in work or love!
That is a LOT of light to support you.
April Showers Bring Growth and Expansion in 2017
NOW is the time. This is an incredible week leading up to those potent three days. Get ready to get your excellence on.
Master Your Life – Habits for Excellence
Showering you in light, creativity and love the Full Moon in April has not had this kind of intensity for 24 years! That is the last time the full moon was aligned with Venus in Pisces (called exalted Venus in Vedic Astrology) and Jupiter in Virgo.
These April Showers have extra light of the full moon in Virgo, plus the juicy goodness of an almost direct Venus and Jupiter which all shine guidance and hope and goodness on to all of us and bring extra growth, hope, healing opportunities, and protection to you.
The Vedic map is the same sky map that astronomers use, so the full moon is in Virgo this month – in all astrology systems, the full moon is aligned with Jupiter and Venus!
Easy Full Moon Ritual on April 10
Here are a few easy steps to expand and bring even more energy and light from this full moon into your life and body.
STEP 1: Take a crystal glass or a copper cup and place spring water in it and put under the full moon outside, overnight on April 10th or for an hour that night. Since this is the night that the moon will appear the most full around the world!
STEP 2: Write down on a piece of paper, or say your intentions for healing, love, financial abundance or well wishing into the spring water.
STEP 3: If you wrote down your abundance wish, then when you bring the water inside, take a drop of the water on your right ring finger and touch the piece of paper, then touch your third eye, and then your heart. Be blessed with the light of the moon and soak up the vitality.
*Then drink the spring water or use it to bless what ever you like! It could be sprinkled in your home to purify and bring your intentions into the home, boudoir, office to water plants, or shared with a group of friends that night!*
Seed your body and soul with good healing or love filled intentions with this extra AUSPICIOUS full moon!
(Remember, I take the extra TLC to think ahead and plan for you these kind of details. Everyone around the world will see the Moon as MOST full on the night of April 10th even if the moon says it will be full on your local calendar on April 11th. I explain this on the Monthly Astro Forecast PDF for subscribers. If you wait until April 11th, you would not see or use the fullness of light! It will still be nice, so if you accidently skip April 10th, go ahead and use the Green Day energy of April 11th to make your healing elixir of water. I just wanted to make sure you planned on April 10th if you could.).
CUP: Use a 100% copper cup, not those mule mugs. If you only have a regular glass instead of crystal that is fine.
For example, I will be pouring spring water into my crystal singing bowl and playing inside the house and outside during the full moon! That will be some charged water.
4 Retrograde Planets (for one week)
Mercury retrogrades with Venus, Saturn and Jupiter retrograde for one week in April 2017
It’s true there are also four planets all retrograde for one week in April (Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter). The good news is that Venus goes direct on April 15th!
VENUS: So, there will be a turn around of creative juices and the ability to finally move forward with your creations! And for some of you, Gemini, Virgo and Taurus ascendants, Sun or Moons – you will have some INCREDIBLE shifts and expansions related to career, consulting, love and finances.
What would bring you deep, lasting happiness this month and year? This is the question of Venus for you this month. Is it having your health routines established daily, great food, building and expanding the job or company or product of your dreams, co-creating a sexy, happy relationship?
MERCURY: Mercury retrogrades in Aries through May 3, 2017
The good news here is that Mercury will be in a technical combination with Mars through April 13th and could actually open a great problem solving window for you. Look to meet or find good mechanics, technicians, fix-it people or get information on how to fix your latest issue, whether it has to do with technology or is mechanical in nature.
Remember, communication devices like phones, computers and copy machines or email servers can go awry during Mercury retrogrades. Travel delays, lost luggage, or communication confusion often occurs in general with Mercury retrogrades.
With Mercury in a fire sign, and a special combination in the skies with Mars in Taurus, this Mercury retrograde might actually create some incredible new amalgamations! Amalagamations have to do with smelting different metals together to get different effects of strength, flexibility or durability. Look for what you are RECOMBINING in your life right now, the direct Venus which is off the charts with creative solutions, and Jupiter in a healing place bringing connections and guidance will actually help TURN AN IMPORTANT PROJECT OR PART OF YOUR LIFE AROUND!
So ultimately the four planets will be retrograding from April 9th through April 15, 2017. Since Mercury retrogrades after sunrise on April 9th, the retrograde will begin manifesting more April 10th…and since this Mercury will function much better in Aries than it was the previous month the Mercury retrograde will not have as much sting on lost luggage, time, information as it could have (this Mercury will possibly even put you in touch with great techs or engineers or just dinner with engineers :)).
Ultimately, retrograde planets are closer to the Earth in their orbit and thus in Vedic Astrology are seen as stronger in their influence in our lives. This can be for good or could be overwhelming, like a cup that runs over. What you are trying to hold or use might go to a little waste. If you can both plan ahead and work extra hard during that week on YOURSELF, adding more frequent 5 – 10 breaks or meditation, then you will be able to harness the retrograde energy for improving your health, mind and body for the entire month of April.
Better than ever when you use retrogrades to improve yourself this month
This month is all about allowing recent changes to integrate into your life and routine, while continuing to adjust and being flexible with the new terrain in April. Diligently applying yourself while moving with any changes will make you incredibly successful and most importantly more satisfied with your work and life. If you take each step and phase of these changes and allow small integrations, then the ‘cups will not flow over as much’ and your work, creations or family network will be stronger than ever.
So even though Mercury will be retrograding, just barely, during these THREE STELLAR GREEN DAYS OF April 9, 10 and 11, the Green Days are going to be filled with light, guidance, hope and directing you to love in new ways, to be creative in nourishing ways, and to find time to be alone as well as being social on these Green Days. The days will be full, and can be balanced.
I am so happy you have this information to use and align with your guides, angels, higher power, God, or Goddesses this month. I am celebrating that you are surrounding yourself with good friends and good vibes.
Want to see two, six or twelve months ahead and know the days to lay low, the days to be extra prepared and the days to celebrate and rock your work? GO HERE to learn about the calendars.
Here is a link directly to a 12 month subscription – Find out about Green Days – ahead of time!