The Full Moon in March 2023 is in Leo in the Vedic System. This full moon occurs during a Golden Zone – a time when the moon connects with love, wealth, and expansive creative energy. The Full Moon in Leo arrives early each year and is March 7 this year.
Worm Moon
March’s Full Moon is called the Worm Moon. “It is also called Lenten Moon (Happy Lent), Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Chaste Moon, Sugar Moon, and Sap Moon.”
Theme of Full Moon
Leo is a fire sign, and is the sign of the Sun. The gift of Leo full moons is that it helps you connect with what brings meaning, passion, and purpose to your life. Listen to your heart this week and nourish your soul and what sparks joy and delight in your day.
Notice what you are drawn to in early March because the theme of the full moon shows through March 15 in 2023.
4 planets surround the Sun bringing special power, harmony, and the feeling of exuberant possibility with this full moon that might bring a feeling of overwhelm mixed with giddiness.
Venus and Jupiter are ‘kissing’ in Pisces expanding BIG projects, especially on the Green Days in early March while Saturn, and Mercury in Aquarius bring solutions to your problems, and the promise of consistent growth for the year – you will want to ground yourself all week long. Time block (set aside specific time for specific tasks instead of being focused on the TO DO list) and bring your focus back to the task at hand.
Ground Yourself
It might be easy to feel scattered, floaty or overwhelmed March 3 – 10. That is why grounding is so important, so you can allow the BIG abundance to flow through you by staying focused on the little steps.
Learn about the Resonant Actions of the week in the Premium Conscious Calendars experience – open to all paid subscribers.
Leo’s full moon lights up nourishing your heart, and what brings you joy. That could be a craft, hobby, resting more, time with friends or nature. What is an essential ingredient that nourishes your soul and gives you that spark of life? That is what this full moon is asking you to listen to – listen to your heart, gut, and intuition.
Time of Full Moon March 2023
Full Moon in Leo on March 7 peaks fullness at 12:40 UTC or 12:40 pm GMT(London).
That is at 7:40 am EST, 4:40 am PST and 11:40 pm AEDT on March 7.
The moon will appear fullest around the world on Monday, March 6th because the moon peaks fullness in the morning or at lunchtime from Hawaii to Europe.
In SE Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, the moon will appear to be most full on the night of Tuesday, March 7.
Golden Zone in Conscious Calendars’ system
Golden Zone is a term that Kathleen Whalen, the creator of Conscious Calendars named to describe special combinations and times of promise, wealth, love, and collaboration. It occurs when the planets of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury align in powerful places in the sky.
There are different themes of the Golden Zones relating to the good-giving planets Jupiter are in its own or exalted constellations, Venus in its own or exalted constellations or Mercury in its own constellations.
The current Golden Zone is a short one. It is sparked by Venus and Jupiter both being in Pisces. This special combination only happens for 3 weeks, once every 12 years.
The Golden Zone in 2023 ends March 11.
There are special super powered, manifestation Green Days in March. Consult your Conscious Calendar to discover the MOST GREEN DAYS DURING THE GOLDEN ZONE.
This is a different sky map than the newer, Western astrology system. Most months, you will find that the full moon appears in a different constellation than Western astrology. When you look to the sky, the Moon is physically in the constellation that Vedic Astrology describes. Vedic astrology uses the sidereal sky map and the same map as astronomers. Western astrology uses a sky map which is theoretical and projects the Tropic of Cancer on to the sky around Earth (thus called Tropical astrology). The moon is not actually IN the constellation that Western astrology describes.