The Full moon in Aries occurs Tuesday Nov 12.
This full moon has a HUGE theme of accepting that positive shifts are IN your life already and that your success and happiness may not look perfect and may be a little messy sometimes.
The energy of this full moon is rambunctious and rebellious and interested in positive change for EVERYONE. The full moon occurs at 1:34 pm UTC/GMT, 8:34 am EDT, 5:34 am PST Nov 13 12:34 pm AEDT
Special planetary alignments:
The Moon is in Aries across from Mercury(retrograding) and Sun in Libra calling us to build new alliances and relationships in new systematic ways.Â
Don’t let technology be in your way – you can have a community across the world in the click of a button.
Venus and Mars are in a special YOGA and this empowers our careers and gives each of us a nugget of new power and depth that comes from WITHIN US! Let the moonlight speak to you as you allow the answers to bubble from within you. (Venus is in Mar’s house and Mars is in Venus’ house as of Nov 10 through Nov 20).
The Full Moon is basking in the light of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury giving extra blessings to us! It is just also embroiled a little bit with the Mercury being retrograde, Mars thinking things should be different (also known as YOU are thinking things should look different), and Jupiter still finding its feet with Ketu and Saturn throwing elbows in the new arena of Sagittarius.
THAT is why I am saying you are blessed and right on track, it just might not look and feel like it right now. LET THAT OPINION AND JUDGMENT GO. YOU HAVE GOT THIS! WELCOME ALL THE BEAUTIFUL MESSINESS AND YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. THIS IS A POWERFUL FULL MOON!
Let your dreams on Nov 11, 12 and 13 reveal new understandings to you.
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                          Live consciously and aligned with natural rhythms.