There is a Micro Full Moon in Aquarius this month.
Sept 14 @ 4:32 UTC / 5:32 am BST / 2:32 pm AEST (Sydney, Aus) / 00:32 am ET & Sept 13 9:32 pm PT / 6:32 pm Hawaii
The Full Moon in Aquarius theme is about reaching for goals (usually spiritual) beyond where you are now. Like a spark of lightning, insights can come and show us what is possible.
Before we act or speak, we have a spark of an idea. The moon in Vedic Astrology is associated with consciousness and each full moon lights up a particular form of the evolution of our mind and soul.
Try this for a fast refresher and balance
This simple practice aligns perfectly with the inspiration that this full moon can bring. As we are inspired with BIG ideas that can feel a bit scary because they are so big and can help so many people, it is important to stay grounded.
Enter the morning dew refresher. It is also a great way to let some of the ‘wildness’ of nature into your life. This can also help relieve stress in just seconds.
This full moon activates the world of ideas and inspiration because it is in Aquarius the last air constellation in the cycle of the zodiac. This is about reaching for goals that affect the human condition and help people reach for spiritual insights and truths that unite.
Like the truth – ‘We all are born and we all will die’ can create an immediate connection between humans. Or another universal yearning – ‘We all want to be happy.’
We might begin to feel ourselves as one drop of the ocean, as one consciousness in the Universe of consciousness. This is what the full moon in this particular place in the sky might awaken in us.
This full moon connect us with the greater community of the human condition. Aquarius helps us understand and reach for experience and realizations and goals which are about the collective experience – of what it is to be human and seek Joy, seek Peace and seek liberation.
With the full moon is air-sign Aquarius and in the lunar mansion called Purva Bhadrapada all of our consciousness lights up with new lessons of growth.
When the moon is full in this lunar mansion it gives a glimpse of realization of the vast, connected and beautiful Universe that the soul at
this stage seeks to go beyond and understand Universal truths of consciousness, peace and harmony.
This particular full moon connects with the God of Fire, Agni and all things which bring alchemy, digestion of ideas and vitality into our lives. It is associated with instant moments of realization which open us to deeper spiritual seeking (like lightning insights).
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