Monday, Oct 30 is a Green Day
It is a Green Day because Jupiter is shining its light on our actions today, giving us the ability to make wise decisions, especially those related to expressing ourselves and to our health.
Today brings movement energy to the forefront. It is a great day for any kind of change to residence, inside your home, office or buying vehicles of all kinds from cars, to boats to skate boards or scooters. Also a great day for making changes to your routines!
If you have been trying to make a shift in your schedule or to add something back into your life, making changes on these days are often supported with the energy of the moon in this healing, 7th chakra connected place in the sky.
We made it through 3 Yellow Days in a row, from Friday October 27 – 29 and now there are no more Yellow Days for the next 9 days.
There are two more Green Days at the end of this week: November 2 & 3.