Mercury Retrogrades with special help this time around.
3 Shifts over 3 Days – while you get ready for Green Days
Sun appears to ‘move’ into Scorpio
Venus goes direct and…
Mercury goes retrograde
Mercury Retrograde might bring positive results
There are at least TWO things you want to do with this Mercury Retrograde
- Back-up and duplicate data storage! Back-up pictures, Back-up data, Back-up documents, buy an external hard drive if you don’t have one and set up a regular storage schedule for your data. Document valuables in your home or office and register them with your insurance.
- Upgrade your communications over the next month.
Join a toastmasters, or speaking group. Joining a book club will get you verbalizing and articulating what you have read since you must distill your impressions of what you’ve read. All forms of speaking, expressing, acting, using technology to communicate or even doing something completely different with your Holiday Cards this year is an upgrade to your communications.
*For some of you this means cleaning out text and messaging on your phone. For others, it means shifting your communication platforms or learning a new way to communicate, like making videos, or just softening your voice and listening with aas to let others know you are really present. Conscious Calendars Subscribers get an entire Mercury Report to help them through what is notoriously a difficult time, and receive top tips including health tips for Mercury Retrograde.
Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio a water sign
All Mercury retrogrades have us revisiting communications or have technology accidents and almost missed meetings or double and triple bookings. You see Mercury is like the wires in telecommunications or the connectors in your phone, and normally does not function too well in a water sign, let alone going retrograde at the same time. Communications can normally fritz out when Mercury is in a water sign, and doubly so when it retrogrades there.
New Ways of Communication ~ Positive Affirmation
“Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.” Paramahansa Yogananda
Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio with a special protection from Jupiter
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter just moved into Scorpio and as a result, it brings guidance and luck to a notoriously unstable event. Jupiter only comes to Scorpio once every 12 years.
Luck would have it, that in 2018, the Jupiter in Scorpio helps off-set the confusion, set-backs and negative impacts that Mercury retrograde can bring.
It will still be Mercury Retrograde, so some form of technology, communication, understanding or expression needs to be revisited in your life, but the effects will not throw people off their stride as much as some other Mercury Retrogrades can.
The next Mercury Retrograde will an important one to know about ahead of time. The advantage that Conscious Calendar subscribers get.
Sun in Scorpio
The Sun appears to be in Scorpio this time of year (using the sidereal or Vedic Sky map).
The Sun shifting from mellow, “it’s all good, I want what you want” Sun in Libra to Scorpio brings a combination of decisive action and shining the light on mystery and secrets at the same time.
The Sun in Scorpio brings hope.
Mysterious constellation ~ Scorpio
Mercury retrograde in mysterious constellation brings either more mystery, or a big reveal.
Some of you may want to find a way to stay mysterious on the web because there is so much energy focused in one of the most mysterious constellations – Scorpio, AKA some you might find an encrypted way to communicate or surf. Whatsapp is encrypted, for instance.
The Truth will be Revealed
When the planet of communication, Mercury retrogrades in to the sign of mystery along with activating Sun and the planet of justice and law, Jupiter, we have a perfect formula for partial TRUTHs to come out. Mercury is retrograde afterall, so the communications will appear to be revealed, but will be delayed by some “gag orders” that will not be able to held. We have a month of big reveals.
In your own life, you might discover the truth about how much something really costs you, you might discover a co-worker’s salary or paygrade.
On a political level, many of the mid-term elections in the United States will go through another review by the courts, and some truths and facts will be revealed about some of the Secretary of States and the voting machines and voting process. After all, it is said that voting is ‘voicing your opinion’ in a vote.
There will be commotion and a huge kurfuffle in the U.S. house as Robert Meuller will likely be asked to share insights with the House and the American public which are not classified. That same information will have portions of the report continue to be cloaked ‘for mysterious reasons’.
Experts will be able to dig up heavily hidden information on the Russian interfereence with the U.S. election, reveals about U.S. North Korean communications, U.S. Saudi Arabia arrangements and what exactly BIG RED or mainland China is doing with all of the data it gathers on its closed internet. Singles Day in China alone provided an immense cache of information for the government.
VENUS GOES DIRECT IN LIBRA through Jan. 1, 2019
Get ready to learn more about Venus, and how Venus lives in your body, psyche and chakras. You are a reflection of the Universe. Did you know that the solar system is reflected within your chakras?
Thankfully, this Mercury retrograde in the water sign of Scorpio will be stabilized and will not interrupt your plans and schedule as much as usual because the protective and stabilizing force of Jupiter in Scorpio changes the game.
Another Big Plus, no Eclipses with this Mercury Retrograde
Also, Mercury is not retrograding during an eclipse this time, like it did in August 2018, which intensified communications. The eclipses of July and August 2018 were in the Zone of Intensity and many people faced difficulties during this time. This was also the beginning of some of the World trade tariffs that led to an unofficial Tarriff War.
Plan on still confirming all your appointments two times, but in general, this Mercury retrograde will not be felt as strongly as the previous and the next retrogrades.
In the first 10 days of this Mercury Retrograde, we have 6 Green Days in a row! This is a rarety to have so many Green Days in a row.
Only 13 Green Days left in 2018. How are you going to set yourself up for success?
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Conscious Calendars are a color coded Calendar based in right timing from Vedic Astrology and Kathleen Whalen which take into account all the planetary factors affecting the moon each day, around the world to give you the ‘energy of the day’ and it might affect your interactions and choices each day.
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