New Eclipse Season Activation Nov & Dec 2020
We are now officially into Eclipse season at the very end of 2020.
I can confidently say personally, I am looking forward to the end of 2020, as I think most of us are.
The end of 2020 is going to not go out necessarily quietly because of what comes after the last two eclipses of 2020.
Eclipse Season began mid-November
The new Eclipse Season officially began after the new moon in mid-November.
The new moon in November began the building of light to the full moon ( two-weeks from New Moon to Full Moon) and the penumbral lunar eclipse on November 30, 2020.
Eclipse season lasts from the New Moon (mid-November) through the Full Moon at the end of December – taking us through the lunar eclipse on Nov 30 and a total solar eclipse on Dec 14 or 15 (depending on where you live on the planet).
New Theme started late September – gets activated in November and December 2020
For the previous 18 months – the eclipses have occurred in Gemini and Sagittarius. We will be activating a new eclipse pattern for the next 18 months, starting with the last eclipses of 2020. Thank Goodness.
The new Eclipse patterns are in the zone of Scorpio and Taurus according to the Vedic system, because I’m a Vedic astrologer.
Total Solar Eclipse December 2020
The next Eclipse is a total solar eclipse in mid-December. This new eclipse season gets activated and then ripples outward into our lives from mid-November, all the way through the end of December 2020.
And most importantly, I share with people how to really use the eclipses for your personal routines and practices as well as your spiritual practices in an in-depth course on what I call the Mega Red Days. These are the eclipse days in the Conscious Calendars system.
The Eclipse season has two new patterns to it.
It’s that the new set of eclipses have begun to resonate in the domain of Scorpio and Taurus.
- This is shift occurred at the end of September, but we’re getting the first of three eclipses on November 30, and either December 14, or 15th, depending on where you live. Now those eclipses actually ripple out into your life for at least six months after the eclipse, especially total solar eclipses. So what you do or choose to “not do” is even more important on eclipse days. That’s what I teach people about how to use the eclipses in their annual conscious calendars, courses.Nov and Dec are the first of three eclipses that will occur in Scorpio and Taurus. Those energies are going to be affecting each of us in a different way for the next 18 months according to what house Taurs and Scorpio light up in your personal Vedic Astrology chart.
- So we’re not only at the end of 2020, but we’ve begun a new Eclipse pattern, which has taken us out of the exact set of eclipses that brought about the pandemic. The combination that brought the pandemic was the total solar eclipse in December 2019, in Sagittarius and Gemini, which was a return of some similar energy patterns that brought the events of September 11. That pattern repeated itself in December of 2019.
Oh, but wait, there was a reason it was even worse and more global than the 911 attack because Saturn was with that total solar eclipse in December of 2019.This is a part of what I shared in my global economic course, discussing why the pandemic came and why it hit the U.S. so much more intensely initially. I shared in that class why the shift toward resolution of the pandemic actually began to occur in the 4th week of September.
The next pattern gets activated and you get to set a new tone in your life starting with the new Eclipse season. As of right now, use these energies to begin changing your habits. So that then, on the eclipses, you can continue whatever new habits you’re creating. It is not a time to seed new habits – but a time to reverse negative habits.
That’s right- a double negative. The eclipses are a special window for spiritual practices and to choose toward peace and calm in the midst of temptation and possible drama or chaos.When you choose your spiritual practices – which is the best thing to do on any eclipse day.The practice of not choosing to:
– make money
– buy things
– post on social media for personal attention, or
– try and get a job or make an impact ‘in the world’ is in alignment with the best thing you could do on an eclipse day. Just one day.What you choose to do on eclipse days and the karmas with them ripple into your life for the next six months.
I use the eclipse days to immerse in my spiritual practices – especially at the peak of an eclipse.
See other blog post for specifics of lunar and solar eclipse.
Conscious Calendars give you Eclipse Dates a year ahead of time – and it syncs with your calendar so you have it at your fingertips.
The Conscious Calendars have given you the specifics about the eclipses for the past year! So you could have been planning to use these eclipse days for your higher good.
The annual Conscious Calendars give you the eclipse days, the peak eclipse time, and training on how to use these days for reversing karmic patterns.Reverse a negative habit – whether you are trying to quit chocolate in your coffee, having a cookie or treat each day, not eat bread or if you avoid meditating or taking a daily walk. This is your window!
This is an incredible time to do something differently in your life. It’s not just because it’s the end of 2020. It’s because this set of eclipses are setting a new pattern in your life, not only for the next six months, but you get to observe what the new theme and the new lessons in your life are for the next 18 months. And those lessons come to you and ripples and waves in and around each of the eclipses. This is your mini teaching around the eclipses that began in September of 2020 and are getting activated on November 30 and December 14 or 15th. I’m Kathleen Whalen, creator of Conscious Calendars.
Want to know how to Thrive in 2021?
Join me in a LIVE class about Vedic Astrology and 2021.
Saturday Dec 5 showing you what Vedic Astrology says about the end of 2020, the rare planetary crossing in mid-December and what to know about the first quarter of 2021 – to help support you to thrive in the new year. Create aligned income, and bring more meaning and happiness into your life.
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