NEW MOON IN ARIES April 15/16 2018 aligns with Venus and Jupiter!
This gentle Green Day in the Conscious Calendars reminds us to tenderly plant the seeds of what we are building, and continue to nourish our dreams and projects every single day. This is the beginning of something BIG.
The New Moon begins late on Sunday April 15 in the Americas at 9:59 pm EDT / 6:59 pm PDT, but is still a Red Day. (*Read below if you want to know why.)
and on Monday April 16 for Europe and s. hemisphere at 1:59 am UTC / 2:58 am BST London / 11:57 am AEST
The New Moon is in a Fire Sign ~ and the Sun is what is called exalted when it is in Aries. (Read more on the Sun in Aries below)
So, the new moon here lights passion and impulse for moving forward in life while the quiet of the moon and Jupiter and Venus in this place, plant seeds of inspiration and vision with action. You are going to be able to combine all three of these in some place in your life. Look around, where are you inspired? Where are you beginning to see the big picture? Well, it’s time to get to it, after the Red Day on April 15/16.
The first LUNAR DAY moves your dreams and projects forward with clarity and by you taking ACTION.
Later, when Venus moves into Taurus starting on April 20, you are going to use that action to literally make something real in your life, something tangible. For some of you that will be a baby, a relationship, a new career, a garden, a product, a company, an event, deepening your spiritual practices or making space and freedom.
Let’s celebrate because it has been a bit of a long haul since February. February had eclipses, then late March brought Mercury retrograde with Mars crossing Saturn at the beginning of April, and only NOW the New Moon is with the planets of light, Venus and Jupiter, that bring blessings and renewed hope into our lives. Hope that is founded in something that has a new life, and can bring harmony and Peace to each of us – if we choose to take on the loving challenge of caring for the nature of our mind a new way.
Thankfully Venus and Jupiter with this new moon make the experience a harmonious, beautiful and whole-picture kind of drive.
These seeds are going to grow fast!
Remember, Venus and Jupiter in Vedic mythology are the two great teachers and sages and so these planets of light with the New Moon usher new guidance you can access from within yourself.
You really DO have the answers when you go within.
Please start your day with some kind of practice, ritual or five minutes of silence with no activity or stimulus ~ it is food for your soul.
Get the most out of this incredibly RARE New Moon and Join me for the Free Forest Bathing Livestream on a Green Day!
Monday April 16 at 2:30 pm PT on the Conscious Calendars Facebook page. It’s easy, just go to
Exclusive Free Guide on Instagram Only
Get an exclusive Forest Bathing Guide on Instagram ONLY
Go to @ConsciousCals on Instagram and see the link on Monday April 16 only.
APRIL 15 – MERCURY GOES DIRECT – if you want to know more about what it means that Mercury is direct, go to this post.
After Mercury goes direct, this marks the resolve of Mercury Retrograde – the stage where answers and solutions to our communication or tech problems can be integrated into our lives.
After Mercury goes direct, we are not finished with the retrograde cycle yet!
Sun in Aries in Vedic Astrology
Happy Birthday to those with Aries Sun from April 14 – May 14!
Those born with Sun in Aries are considered to often be great leaders. The solar force of life is in the sign of beginnings, fire, direction, and intensity. Mars is connected with the ability to lead because there can be a warrior-like type of discipline (Kshatriya) in people born with Sun in Aries.
Warriors in ancient times protected spiritual information, like secret practices which are entwined with great-discipline.
Sun in Aries in the Vedic system usually occurs from approximately April 14 – May 14 each year.
*A Red Day is the day before a New Moon rises with the Sun
The first lunar day is the day that the New Moon rises at sunrise. That means the Moon must be New before sunrise. So, on the Red Day for those in the Americas and Canada, the New Moon occurs so late in the day, that it is not until Monday at sunrise that the New Moon greets the day. THAT is the first lunar day.
This is where the Vedic lunar calendars are different from Western astrology ~ it is about the energy of sunrise that sets the rhythm of the day and the conditions of the Moon that determine if it is a Red Day (the day before a New Moon, and the darkest nights. It is dangerous to travel on roads with no lights on a dark moon, and traditionally this was a time to make sure you did not travel, since there was so little light. Now, of course we have lights everywhere, but there is STILL a pattern where our vision, our brains and our natural biorhythms are quieter in the lowest lunar light of the month.).
We have received so many reports of accidents averted, to bad experiences with cosmetic or aesthetic procedures to exhaustion from working out too hard, or falling ill from pushing it during a time when we are meant to be taking things slow.
So, the Red Day is the lowest energy of the month, and the day before the true New Moon and first lunar day. Then the moon builds for two weeks to a full moon.
A New Moon sets with the sun, a Full Moon rises at sunset. Have you ever noticed this?