Weekly Forecast from Conscious Calendars
Happy Beautiful New Moon in Cancer
The New Moon is in the sign of the Moon this month.
The New Moon in Cancer is on August 8 (8 -8). The Red Day or self-care day was also on Sunday, August 8th. Monday is the first day of the new lunar cycle because the Moon became new AFTER sunrise on Sunday. This fresh, new energy is infusing your life with possibility beginning on Monday and builds all week long. Plus, we have 3 mild Green Days this week!
Some great things to do this week:
- Start a new routine or habit
- Research travel
Start learning something new like a language, self-improvement and dive deep into some inner development
This Week’s Vedic Forecast
The 8-8 New Moon started a gentle kundalini opening that we can feel all week (Sun, Moon and Mercury in Ashlesha activates the kundalini).
Monday Aug 9 gives you the energy to activate new habits and pathways in your life. It’s because Mercury and Moon have joined Venus and Mars in Leo and those four energies get a boost from Jupiter.
Tuesday Aug 10, we get a little taste of romance or expansion of Universal Love and Kindness thanks to the Moon and Venus joining.
Wednesday Aug 11 brings some major shifts as Venus and Moon change constellations. The planet of beauty and connection reminds you to see the beauty in all things, even if things don’t feel super connected.
- Be kind and gentle with yourself as your inner child might feel like they need some cuddling or extra room for playtime and fun or expressing yourself as Mercury is in opposition to retrograde Jupiter.
- The big shift Wednesday is Venus moving into Virgo. This time of year usually brings an entire month that life might not feel as juicy or as connected with artistry and creativity. The good news is that the ‘not feeling the love in your work, relationships, spiritual life’ will only last about a week instead of a full month this year.
Luckily, this week, there is vibrational support for you to still feel the goodness and to be open, curious about life.
Wednesday through Friday reminds you to spend time in nature and do things that ground you like:
breathwork, stretching, resting against a tree, getting your feet on the Earth or laying on the ground to replenish.
3 mild Green Days this week
We don’t usually have mild Green Days so close to a new moon, but the gathering of planets opposite Jupiter along with the goodness that comes with the Moon connecting with Mercury and Venus all at the same time nudged me give this week at least 3 mild Green Days!
Vedic Astrology new and full moons different from Western Astrology
The Moon is in Cancer because the Vedic Sky map is the same as the astronomy. Western astrology tracks the sky through the Tropic of Cancer, not what you are viewing standing on Earth looking out to the sky so the two ‘sky maps’ are 23 degrees different. This is why you will hear that the new and full moons in Vedic Astrology might ‘sound’ different than what other astrologers say. I’m sharing with you where the Sun and Moon actually are when viewed from Earth.
For instance, when the “Sun Sign” is in Leo, like what is coming up mid-August, the Earth is in its orbit around the Sun so that the Sun appears to be in Leo. We cannot see Leo anymore because the Sun is so large and bright it blots that region of sky from our view.
Our night sky view will always be the opposite of where the Sun is and where the full moon will appear.
Sun in Leo
In early August 2021, the new moon in Cancer occurs when the moon and Sun meet in the constellation Cancer. Within days, as we orbit the Earth, the Sun appears to move into Leo.
Every year, the Sun moves into Leo from Mid-August through mid-September.
If you are born mid-August through mid-September, then you likely are a “Leo” Sun sign in Vedic Astrology.
See Green Days next week and next year
If you want to know the Green Days ahead of time, get a year of Conscious Calendars and see the Green Days 12 months from now with an Annual Subscription. Save by purchasing a year of calendars and get the bonus Astro Forecast Videos each month which give you even more insights to easily integrate the lunar energies of the month.
At the beginning of each month you can access tips like, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.