Saturn in Sagittarius Jan 2017
Saturn moves into Sagittarius Jan 26, 2017 for pretty much the next two and a half years.
Relief for Some
The new shift of Saturn in Jan 2017 will come as a relief be for some of you, helping shift the lack of income you have experienced for 2.5 years, for others this portends more work which gives you the opportunity to “give back” and support your fellow human being with heart filled service.
This change in constellations is often not an easy or fast one – so throughout January and February 2017 some of you might have been experiencing greater resistance somewhere in your life or issues with health, being out of work, lower income, a heavy sense of responsibility and thereby inability to move into action, a strong desire for Truth and direction in life.
While others are feeling like the years and years of hard work are promising to possibly begin to coalesce, or that returning to a simple life is welcomed change.
Saturn is the planet of work and long term commitment, difficulties, and disease. Some people are afraid of Saturn, since it can be associated with these more intense features of life.
Helping You Become Present Moment
Remember, it is just the difficulty in life that helps us appreciate what we have in the here-and-now, and to understand that this body is fleeting and that we are more than this body, that our consciousness is beyond time. We might think we want everything to be easy and without resistance, but as one of my teacher’s states the old saying “No one ever turns to God when they win the lottery” it is only when the human condition experiences difficulty do we begin or continue to look below the surface and attempt to find the meaning and source of our suffering and begin the path toward freedom and internal Peace.
Saturn is the planet of time and in its highest sense, it helps us realize that ‘who or what we are’ is beyond time, and that we are one with the Universe and that we come from stardust.
Saturn destroys what we do not need – ultimately destroying what prevents us from experiencing timeless bliss and Peace
Despite all the somewhat harsh things many people might read or hear about Saturn, wherever Saturn delivers its glance or look in our life – it destroys what we do not need. Our resistance is often that we think we need or we want things to be different. Some people think that perfectionism serves them, Saturn will have those people do and re-do things until they learn that life is for play and that you can learn something with every time you do that thing.
Saturn sees what we need over the course of lifetimes to help evolve our soul. So the seasoned soul welcomes or at least humbly accepts loss or chosen simplicity, or building diligence to finish projects and tasks as the cornerstone to building your spiritual muscles.
Saturn and Success
Delayed gratification is associated with the highest levels of success in both a worldly (money, career and work, ties to the world) and spiritual sense.
After all, all research shows that no matter what income level we are, those who live UNDER their means are the happiest people.
Saturn is the planet that leads each of us in where we are meant to “give back” because it is connected with not being focused on self. Saturn is the planet of austerity, penance and simplicity. By living simply, one can experience consistent contentedness.
When you focus on living simply, a natural process occurs where you naturally align with your purpose and dharma.
Having meaning and purpose in life gives a greater sense of long term happiness or what is called contentment and thriving. Aligning with what Saturn ‘lights up’ in your chart allows you to align with where you are being asked to be of service – this will provide you with great happiness if you can allow your resistance and ego step out of the way.
Notice where you get your ‘ego or pride hooked’ most likely, this is the area of life that Saturn is lighting up for you – to dissolve the issue with lasers if you will let it.
The happiest people in the world have meaning and purpose in their life.
Meaning and purpose are found when the daily challenges of life are balanced with the sweet moments of feeling connected to something beyond ourselves (which is why family and caring for grandchildren can be one of the most fulfilling things for retirees). Purpose is when what we naturally would do without pay meets the world, or is received by others. There are so many ways that living a purpose filled life are not connected with income, career or fame that many people overlook the value of it.
Parenting is a great example of that – the sacrifice, exhaustion, deep care and long hours would not be traded by most parents when weighed against that inexplicable sense of joy when looking at or thinking of their children.
Parenting is one of the biggest ways that people can give to the world – helping nurture little beings’ hearts and souls.
Saturn and Purpose
Saturn is a planet of service and how we can be of help to others – it is not about focusing on self (even though Saturn is also connected with Self Inquiry, which ironically leads to knowing the true nature of Self) which helps us each find our purpose, since we are easily of service when we are acting ‘on purpose’.
Work and being of service helps us both burn and meet important karmas and take you to a higher level of consciousness. This is because humility (loss of ego), being of service and building discipline evolves us in our personal spiritual paths.
Remember, we are here to fulfill our individual evolution, and that is done in a number of ways. One of those stages is either by helping our fellow human family, our brothers and sisters on the planet and/or by building our personal discipline (of saying ‘no’ to the things which distract us, or building healthy habits which raise our vibration.)
On an everyday level, we can “show up” for our friends and family in the most simple and yet deeply giving way. When we are ‘of service’ to our family and loved ones, it is where the acts of everyday can become sublime and transport us on our spiritual path.
After all, that is what Mother Theresa did. Her acts of caring for those who no one else cared for became a force which transformed everyone who has ever heard of her.
So, a clean house and lovingly cooked meal are a fabulous way to love self and others – so everyone within can BE more clearly with others at the same time.
Hopefully this New Year has caused you to give pause to where you want to help better the world, and a new found commitment to the joy that is found when you help others.
Saturn helps us achieve higher states of vibration.
There is no mistake as to why Saturn is associated with almost the highest of all the chakras (pronounced with a hard sound, “ch” as in church, not a soft ‘sh’).
Saturn is associated with the 6th Chakra, or the third eye. It is one of the highest levels on our path of spiritual evolution.
“The third eye is the conscience. The two physical eyes see the past and the present, while the third eye reveals the insight of the future.” Harish Johari from his book Chakras, Energy Centers of Transformation
The 6th Chakra is where duality ceases to exist – the confusion of making sense of the world melts away when a person has achieved a constant state of vibrating in the 6th Chakra.
Even though Saturn is associated with pressure and difficulties, it is with austerities or meeting the difficulties and working WITH them, not against them, that we become stronger. In this way, Saturn both raises our vibration and helps us become stronger in spirit.
So, as Saturn “lights up” your life in new ways, be open to how you are being asked to be of service and you can find new and lasing happiness in life.
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Conscious Coaching with Kathleen: Would you like to have a one on one session with Kathleen to understand what Saturn might be lighting up in your life? Receive profound insights and get actionable steps to connect with purpose, dharma, career, family or romance and your personal spiritual path.