Super New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on July 12 / 13 (depending on where you live) is first of three eclipses over the next month.
On July 13 there is a partial solar eclipse from 1:55 am – 4:15 am Universal Time (UTC).
The time of Greatest Eclipse (GE) is at 3:02 UTC / 2:02 am BST (London) / 1:02 pm AEST on July 13.
In Canada and the Americas, the time of Greatest Eclipse is at 11:02 pm EDT or 8:02 pm PDT on
July 12.
The partial solar eclipse shadows south Australia and in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, and is barely visible in Tasmania.
Only 3.51% of the Sun will be covered during the partial solar eclipse.
Astronomy: Solar Eclipses occur two to three times each year.
There happens to be three solar eclipses in 2018.
A solar eclipse will always occur with a new moon. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes exactly between the Sun and Earth and the Moon blocks out the light of the sun or ‘shadows’ a portion of the Earth.
The New Moon on July 13 2018 brings a partial solar eclipse (UTC time).
Eclipses are an astronomical phenomenon, and Vedic Astrology has been interpreting what it means for the psyche and karmas of individuals under the eclipse for easily 7,000 years.
Astrology of the eclipses and what it means in your life
MEGA RED DAYS in the Conscious Calendars system help you avoid stepping into a karmic storm.
Eclipses in Vedic Astrology are times of great transformation. You can actually fast track and deepen your spiritual practices (whatever those are for you) on eclipse days and in eclipse seasons. This is because these are typically times of increased stress and if you can choose differently in the face of challenges, you are actually shifting internal patterns at a greater level. This is all woven within the thousands of years that Vedic Astrology and sages have witnessed the effects of eclipses. You can weather the storms of eclipse times – first it helps to know when they are so you can hold perspective and not REact and jump to conclusions.
Eclipse days are what I call Mega Red Days in the Conscious Calendars system.
Conscious Calendars show you the timing of great change and windows of great opportunity – all with an easy glance.
FRIDAY JULY 13 the New Moon occurs very close to the time of the eclipse. Focus on the time of the eclipse for diving deep into meditation or practicing yoga, being quiet or contemplative or for stretching and being relaxed. (The new moon on July 13 2:47 am UTC / 3:47 am London BST /12:47 pm AEST and on Jul 12 at 7:47 pm PDT / 10:47 pm EDT)
New Moon on Friday the 13th and an eclipse is not creepy at all, lol. Thenumber 13 is not a bad omen in many other cultures.
ECLIPSE REMINDER: Do not expect anything to be answered today ~ any answer will either not be clear or is missing something that is not revealed yet.
Today’s challenge: Slow down and be fully present. It is easy to get lost in the details today or have the mind wander today.
This New Moon in Gemini with partial solar eclipse today means focus might be challenged. And with the eclipse pattern (Ketu in Shravana in Capricorn – there is an additional theme and reminder to not be consumed with worry about your survival or your business or your work – try to let go of concerns just for today. Unhook from anxiety just for a few minutes and listen to the guided visualization I have created for you to help become present. Tomorrow is a new dawn and the new moon provides the beginning of answers, that will slowly emerge over the next week. There are lots of GREEN Days next week!)
Today’s prize or What you gain by slowing down: If you can slow down and be fully present today, then you are laying immense patterns, almost super powers of altering time, by slowing your heart rate, by lengthening your breath, and having each task be completed before moving on to the next. Link to the Red Day Guided Visualization – to help you BE HERE NOW.
Aligned Action: Focus on being as present to every simple task today, since it might be challenging to do so.
If you can try to make each set of actions have a beginning, middle and end – like a Japanese tea ceremony, you are not finished until the tea cup is washed, dried and put away – you will do well to focus on task-completion and not move on to the next thing until what you are doing is finished.
If you can bring that kind of focus on this Super New Moon and partial solar eclipse, then you are doing really well!
The Moon is aligned again with Galactic center – the moon is just on the other side of the Earth and galactic center this time. (Notice, that the new moon time is pretty much the same time as the eclipse peak.) The alignment is: Center of Galaxy ~ Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius ~ Earth ~ moon & Sun in Gemini
Do you know the EXACT DAYS in the next six weeks to AVOID hosting weddings or parties, scheduling job interviews, or buying a home?
Quicken your spiritual path when you use these windows to improving yourself. Know all the Mega Red Days at a glance when you have a paid subscription to Conscious Calendars.