Thursday June 21 is SOLSTICE. It’s the exact center of the year.
It also happens to also be a Mild Green Day in the Conscious Calendars system.
The Moon is an auspicious place today and is close enough to Jupiter that it is a mild Green Day. Use the light of consciousness to reach out or move something important forward, or just gather with friends and family and celebrate the CENTER of the YEAR! The Moon is only one week away from full today (night light), and this is the longest day of the year (day light).
June Solstice in Universal Coordinated Time is on Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 10:07 UTC
Northern hemisphere:
Step into the LIGHT, celebrate the longest day of the year, and gather with friends, family or make a fire in your backyard. Social time is at its peak in June and enjoying the relaxation and joy that comes with the long days is natural.
Expanded Days: Just watch staying up too late or getting over extended in June. It is not because of graduation and children getting out of school, that things feel a frenzy. This is the most expansive time of year.
So, you want to UNDER commit to social invites, so that you can be more spontaneous and conscious of where you choose to show up. Just make sure you do make social connections and show those you love, that you care about them. Please say yes, to life.
Fourth Week of June: June 22 – June 28
Health Tip for the Week and Season:
Clear the heat! This is the Pitta or heating time of year according to Ayurveda. Eat foods that are cooling like salads, cucumber, celery and stay hydrated with potassium rich foods or drink.
Coconut water & carrot juice are two drinks high in potassium (always compare potassium to sodium on packages, you want foods and drinks that have two to three times the amount of potassium than sodium. If the sodium is higher than potassium on the package, it probably is not so good for you.)
In general, fresh food is always best. If something is packaged, try and have it be as whole food as possible – say a box of Organic brown rice, or coconut water, if you are having packaged food.
Southern hemisphere:
For those in the southern hemisphere, you want to be nourishing with Kidney tonifying herbs which will help your immune system, longevity and thyroid and adrenal metabolism long term.
In Chinese medicine, dried shiitake mushrooms that are re-constituted, are a special way to foster health; add them to soups & vegetable stir-frys for resonant cooking for your winter.
AstroProTip: The Moon is in Hasta today.
June Solstice in Universal Coordinated Time is on Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 10:07 UTC
Local times for World Solstices: