Happy New Moon on January 2, 2022 Happy New Moon and New Year The New Moon is in Sagittarius on January 2. Because Sagittarius is a fire sign, January 1st’s cosmic moon is all about burning away the old. You CAN let go of an old habit, possibly one that is lifetimes old with the […]
Kitchari for Self Healing
Kitchari, a seasoned mix of rice and mung dal, is a foundational dish to an Ayurvedic way of conscious living. This dish creates harmony in all who eat it and nourishes the cells while helping detoxify. The basic recipe is 2 parts basmati rice, 1 part dal with balancing spices cooked in ghee before simmering […]
Building The Juice Of Life, Ojas In Ayurveda
Building the Juice of Life “The usefulness of a cup is in its emptiness.” Each Lunar cycle, when the moon returns to new we are like an empty vessel. It is time to replenish the vessel of mind and body, repair and slow down in the quiet time of the lunar cycle, naturally. Then as […]
Mercury Retrograde February and March 2020
Mercury Retrogrades February 17 – March 10 It’s a time of Big Internal Changes Mercury retrograde is a time to RE-assess, re-view and re-form how we communicate. You can re-connect and change old stories you might have that you did not realize were holding you back. It’s a great time to change how you communicate […]
Venus In The Golden Zone 2019
Venus in Libra Venus has JUST shifted into its domain of harmony, creating communities and communicating beauty and from the heart. Yay! Venus is no longer challenged (aka giving the feeling that ‘we’ need to do things instead of feeling connected to our higher Self and universal timeless energies that flow in and around us […]
Full Moon in Libra April 2019
Happy Green Days, Venus Jamming and Full Moon Week! We have 3 Green Days this week, plus Venus moves into a power place and a gorgeous full moon in Libra. Full Moon The Moon appears full on April 18 – a Green Day for most of the world. While the Full Moon in Libra occurs […]
Mars in Aries
Mars spurs Getting Things Done Are you feeling lit up and activated? Mars in Aries can really rev-up many people, get projects moving and help with focus and task completion. Mars in Aries brings decisiveness = Fire sign Full moon was just in Leo = fixed Fire sign Saturn right now is in Sagittarius – […]
New Moon in Scorpio Dec 7, 2018
NEW MOON IN SCORPIO FRIDAY DECEMBER 7Â Thursday December 6 –Â New Moon occurs AFTER Dawn on Dec 7 in London and UTC so Red Day extends to Dec 6 for the UK and all of Europe. The rest of the northern hemisphere will feel Dec 6 & 7 as lowest mental energy of the year. […]
What You Need to Know for the Week of November 5, 2018
3 Major Things Happen this Week according to Vedic Astrology Mars Moves constellations ~ from Capricorn into Aquarius November 6, 2018 Mars changed constellations. It is finally out of the warping effects of the eclipses. This has far-reaching effects for our holiday season. You can learn how this can help you have clearer boundaries, clear […]
What is Mantra?
What is Mantra? The word mantra simply means ‘Mind’ ‘liberator’. The word ‘Mantra’, according to Harish Johari, comes from the Sanskrit word mantrana which means advice or suggestion. So everything we speak, even when we think of a word or have a thought, they then are really just a suggestion to the mind. “A Mantra […]
FULL MOON in SCORPIO Tuesday May 29, 2018
FULL MOON in SCORPIO Tuesday May 29, 2018 ~ all things can be beautiful and transformed. THE THEME OF THIS Moon is to charge your spiritual body and raise your vibration. This Full Moon is about developing your Consciousness, and growing your energetic capacity. What you do during these Green Days has special energy to feed […]
New Moon in Taurus on May 15 The New Moon in Taurus occurs: May 15 at 11:48 am UTC / 12:48 pm BST / 9:49 pm AEST and May 15 at 7:49 am EDT / 4:48 am PDT (in the Americas and Canada) Heed the Red Day this month! There are many indications that the energies on […]