A powerful yoga appears in the sky starting Dec. 28, 2023 A powerful Yoga in the sky occurs when Mars moves into Sagittarius on December 28, 2023 and it helps create a special yoga of planets called a Parivatna Yoga. See teaching about Parivatna yoga in this blog post. A Parivatna Yoga is 4 times […]
Mercury in Leo Goes Direct Sept 2023
Mercury in Leo Goes direct Mercury in Leo went direct on September 16, 2023. We have now entered the fourth phase of the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Scroll down to see the diagram of the Four phases of Mercury retrograde. Instability and uncertainty were the primary sentiments from Sept 15 – Sept 18. September 15, the […]
Full Moon July 3 2023
The Full Moon in Sagittarius is July 3, 2023 The moon will look and feel most full on Sunday night July 2 for most of the world. And another important event is happening in July – read the full blog post to understand more about the planet Mars. Full Moon in Sagittarius – Fire and […]
Capture The Golden Zones of July, August and September 2021
There are at least two Golden Zones in the three months of July through August 2021 Most importantly, there is also a partial return to some of the pandemic patterns of 2020 in September 2021. Please join me while I map out each zone, sharing the Greener Zones for commerce, connecting, and travel and the […]
Introduction to Vedic Astrology with Kathleen Whalen and Christine Blosdale
Learn about vedic astrology in this lively interview. This was so much fun to be interviewed by radio personality, stellar podcast creator, creative coach and million dollar fund raiser Christine Blosdale. Christine asked the best questions about life, and Vedic astrology and brought up some controversial topics from Pluto to reincarnation lifetimes, enlightenment, karma and […]
Venus In The Golden Zone 2019
Venus in Libra Venus has JUST shifted into its domain of harmony, creating communities and communicating beauty and from the heart. Yay! Venus is no longer challenged (aka giving the feeling that ‘we’ need to do things instead of feeling connected to our higher Self and universal timeless energies that flow in and around us […]
Leafy Greens to reduce Pitta
Since it’s Mercury Retrograde, I’m going to be featuring a few questions from the community. Q: Why do you suggest eating leafy greens right now? Eclipses can increase our sense of irritation and frustration which is connected with the liver in Chinese medicine and this can disrupt the heart and mind. Â When we eat […]
Mars in Aries
Mars spurs Getting Things Done Are you feeling lit up and activated? Mars in Aries can really rev-up many people, get projects moving and help with focus and task completion. Mars in Aries brings decisiveness = Fire sign Full moon was just in Leo = fixed Fire sign Saturn right now is in Sagittarius – […]
Feb 2019 Full Moon in Leo
Tuesday February 19 is a Green Day and Full Moon The Full Moon in Leo occurs on February 19 @ 3:53 PM UTC / 10:53 AM EST / 7:53 AM PST / FEB 20 2:53 AM AEDT VOLUNTEER – CONTRIBUTE – LEAD – and CREATE IMPACT this year What is the common connection between all […]
Happy New Year to 2019
Your Guide to the top 3 cosmic events of the first week of 2019. January 1 & 2 are mild Green Days, Venus changes constellations after FOUR months, and we have some intense events all in the first week of the year. On the one hand, 2019 begins with excitement and connection because the last […]
April New Moon Aligns with Venus and Jupiter
NEW MOON IN ARIES April 15/16 2018Â aligns with Venus and Jupiter! This gentle Green Day in the Conscious Calendars reminds us to tenderly plant the seeds of what we are building, and continue to nourish our dreams and projects every single day. This is the beginning of something BIG. The New Moon begins late on […]
Eclipses in Leo and World War III?
September 2 – 7, 2017 marks a rare combination of energies occurring in Leo, will those forces just bring confusion, saber rattling or will it escalate into World War III? Well, the good news is if N. Korea and world leaders can keep talking rather than bombing each other through September 7th – but even […]