The Great American Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 The great American solar eclipse of 2023 will be annular and pass across the United States, and Central and South America. Eclipses come in pairs.  A solar and lunar eclipse will always be 2 weeks apart because they each occur on a new and then full […]
Full Moon in Scorpio June 3 and 4 2023
Full Moon in Scorpio The Moon is brightest and most full on the night of June 3. See the time of the full moon in Scorpio where you live below. The full Moon in Scorpio will be very close to the Red Star in Scorpio, Antares in the constellation Scorpius. The moon looks most full […]
Total Solar Eclipse across Australia April 2023
Total Solar Eclipse across Australia and SE Asia April 2023 There is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse on Wednesday or Thursday, April 19/20 depending on where you live. This hybrid solar eclipse means that it will appear to be an annual eclipse and then morphs into a Total Solar Eclipse over SE Asia and Australia right […]
Full Moon in Leo March 7, 2023
The Full Moon in March 2023 is in Leo in the Vedic System. This full moon occurs during a Golden Zone – a time when the moon connects with love, wealth, and expansive creative energy. The Full Moon in Leo arrives early each year and is March 7 this year. Worm Moon March’s Full Moon […]
Kitchari for Self Healing
Kitchari, a seasoned mix of rice and mung dal, is a foundational dish to an Ayurvedic way of conscious living. This dish creates harmony in all who eat it and nourishes the cells while helping detoxify. The basic recipe is 2 parts basmati rice, 1 part dal with balancing spices cooked in ghee before simmering […]
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter moves into Sagittarius today! The next three weeks Jupiter will inhabit the fiery sign. What this means: *LOOK for what new comes into your life. It is a taste of what might come into your life this November in full force, but will be even clearer and expanded then. Jupiter in Sagittarius: Your personal […]
What is Mantra?
What is Mantra? The word mantra simply means ‘Mind’ ‘liberator’. The word ‘Mantra’, according to Harish Johari, comes from the Sanskrit word mantrana which means advice or suggestion. So everything we speak, even when we think of a word or have a thought, they then are really just a suggestion to the mind. “A Mantra […]
Magic Number to Happiness
Did you know there is a Magic Number to Happiness? There are 4 crucial things that you must know that can immediately increase your happiness, joy, success and personal power. Magic Number First I want to share with you a magic number that will forever revolutionize your life. Did you know this is a magic […]
Mercury Retrograde December 2017 Vedic Astrology
MERCURY RETROGRADES DEC 3 – 22, 2017 During this Mercury Retrograde period, you will discover a new way to communicate! The special relationship of Mercury and Jupiter during this retrograde will combine ancient and new methods of communication together. Science of the ancients will influence some MAJOR changes in communications – like beyond satellites. 3 […]
Super Powers for Personal Change and Justice with Jupiter and Mars in Libra
Jupiter and Mars are a superhero combination for Justice and Peace right now. You are supported to step UP and make healthy changes in your life with this powerful duo supporting you. No more ‘almost’ doing what you committed to do. We can make choices based on helping each other and seeing the light in […]
11 11 November 11, 2017
This Saturday is November 11 or 11 11. 11 11 in Western Numerology is called a master Number. And it’s fun to play with the time of 11:11 on November 11th . People born on master number days often are able to accomplish a great deal in their life, or have some unique skill sets they […]
Mercury in Virgo is extraordinary
Mercury is “exalted” in Virgo in Vedic Astrology Virgo is a sign of healing, numbers, communication, learning and teaching and great minds and also can be seen in those with great marketing abilities. This Mercury affects us in two ways: 1. Mercury and all it represents comes into our lives in extraordinary ways during the […]