Total Solar Eclipse December 2020
The NEW Moon in Scorpio is Dec 14 at 16:14 UTC
4:14 pm GMT / 5:14 pm CET/ 11:14 am EST / 8:14 am PST / Dec 15 at 3:14 am AEDT
The moment of the new moon (above) coincides with the peak of the total solar eclipse because it is a complete alignment of Earth, Moon and Sun creating a total solar eclipse!
The ideal times to meditate and/or sing mantras or find quiet is a range of 3.5 hours around the peak of the eclipse. You could use the 5.5 hours from partial eclipse to end of partial eclipse, but I am giving you the strongest energy times to cultivate quiet.
The Total Solar Eclipse shadows Chile and Argentina in South America. The time of Greatest Eclipse GE is Dec 14 2020 at 16:14 UTC lasts 2 minutes 10 seconds.
Use the time ranges for your spiritual practices, depending on where you live:
- Pacific Time zone from 6:32 am – 9:54 am is when the full eclipse is occurring across Chile and Argentina. Maximum Eclipse or Greatest Eclipse is at 8:13 am Pacific Time.
The eclipse is not visible in the U.S. but you can use the energy of the eclipses to reverse habits! If you cannot see the eclipse where you live, you can still use the window of time to drop into quiet to help cultivate Peace in your life. (It’s actually an embedded secret in the principles of Vedic astrology that I have developed in order to help more people change their daily habits.) Since the time of the eclipse is not ‘good for creating things’ and it is not meant to be used for ‘setting intentions’ – the opposite is true. See eclipses pull us toward desire below. - GMT London Time zone from 2:32 pm – 5:54 pm GMT, London Time is when the full eclipse is occurring for London. Maximum Eclipse or Greatest Eclipse is at 4:13 pm GMT.
- Central European Time (CET) is one hour later from 3:32 pm – 6:54 pm CET for the full eclipse time range. Maximum Eclipse or Greatest Eclipse is at 5:13 pm CET.
- Australia Time Zone (AEDT) is Dec 15 from 5:32 pm – 8:54 pm AEDT for the full eclipse time range. Maximum Eclipse or Greatest Eclipse is at 3:13 pm AEDT.All the New Moon times are shown on the December Conscious Calendars (one year ahead of time) and the peak Eclipse Time in UTC, Universal Time.
Eclipses PULL us toward desire
Eclipses intensify desire in our life. If you can NOT be pulled by desire and not ‘seek outside yourself in food, buying, stimuli like TV or other addictive habits’ then you are actually reversing a habit’s tug on you.
Here’s part of the secret of eclipses the way I interpret Vedic principles: If you can act in the opposite direction of where desire is pulling you – then you are building deep discipline. If you usually buy things on the internet, or eat sugar daily or spend time watching TV or Youtube, then when you choose NOT to do this on a total solar eclipse, then you can begin to break the habit.
To test this, over 12 years ago, I personally started to NOT eat sugar or bread on eclipse days (and total solar eclipses are an even more powerful pull). I also exerted more effort to start my day with routines that were difficult for me to keep – I would meditate, sing mantra, fast or eat very simply (vegan and easy to digest food), go for a walk and do yoga or qi gong all in the first half of eclipse days. And guess what? It was easy to say no to sugar and bread (or if I ate it I did not want it the next day) and have regular daily practice of mantra, walking and exercise.
The eclipse is called Mega Red Day in the Conscious Calendars system because it is window which helps us withdraw from the world. And there are other secrets to know how to work with eclipses that can improve and deepen your spiritual and health practices that Kathleen has created out of the principles of Vedic Astrology.
Vedic astrology does NOT recommend viewing eclipses and suggests that doing nothing and meditating at the moment of peak eclipse is one of the best things to “do”, since action and wordly pursuits are not fruitful during eclipses. From these principles, I’ve tested and created ways to help reverse unwanted patterns while building inner discipline all from the Universal laws of working with the lunar rythms.
NASA map of the Total Solar Eclipse
Activate New Pattern in Life
The two eclipses at the end of 2020 on Nov 30 and Dec 14/15 take place in a new set of constellations – Taurus and Scorpio.
This sets a new pattern of lessons in everyone’s life. This also sets a different pattern than the eclipses which helped bring the Pandemic. That’s right. The December 2019 total solar eclipse in Sagittarius while activating the health of the United States was activated through December 2020.
This new eclipse season gets activated and then ripples outward into our lives from mid-November, all the way through the end of December 2020.
And most importantly, I share with people how to really use the eclipses for your personal routines and practices as well as your spiritual practices in an in-depth course on what I call the Mega Red Days. These are the eclipse days in the Conscious Calendars system.
The Eclipse season has two new patterns to it.
It’s that the new set of eclipses have begun to resonate in the domain of Scorpio and Taurus.
- This is shift occurred at the end of September, but we’re getting the first of three eclipses on November 30, and either December 14, or 15th, depending on where you live. Now those eclipses actually ripple out into your life for at least six months after the eclipse, especially total solar eclipses. So what you do or choose to “not do” is even more important on eclipse days. That’s what I teach people about how to use the eclipses in their annual conscious calendars, courses.Nov and Dec are the first of three eclipses that will occur in Scorpio and Taurus. Those energies are going to be affecting each of us in a different way for the next 18 months according to what house Taurs and Scorpio light up in your personal Vedic Astrology chart.
- So we’re not only at the end of 2020, but we’ve begun a new Eclipse pattern, which has taken us out of the exact set of eclipses that brought about the pandemic. The combination that brought the pandemic was the total solar eclipse in December 2019, in Sagittarius and Gemini, which was a return of some similar energy patterns that brought the events of September 11. That pattern repeated itself in December of 2019.
Oh, but wait, there was a reason it was even worse and more global than the 911 attack because Saturn was with that total solar eclipse in December of 2019.This is a part of what I shared in my global economic course, discussing why the pandemic came and why it hit the U.S. so much more intensely initially. I shared in that class why the shift toward resolution of the pandemic actually began to occur in the 4th week of September.
The next pattern gets activated and you get to set a new tone in your life starting with the new Eclipse season. As of right now, use these energies to begin changing your habits. So that then, on the eclipses, you can continue whatever new habits you’re creating. It is not a time to seed new habits – but a time to reverse negative habits.
That’s right- a double negative. The eclipses are a special window for spiritual practices and to choose toward peace and calm in the midst of temptation and possible drama or chaos.When you choose your spiritual practices – which is the best thing to do on any eclipse day.The practice of not choosing to:
– make money
– buy things
– post on social media for personal attention, or
– try and get a job or make an impact ‘in the world’ is in alignment with the best thing you could do on an eclipse day. Just one day.What you choose to do on eclipse days and the karmas with them ripple into your life for the next six months. I use the eclipse days to immerse myself in my spiritual practices – especially at the peak of an eclipse.