Venus in Pisces all February Long
Venus sets off a month of love, beauty and massive creativity for the entire month from February 2 – 28, 2020. One time a year, Venus enters the constellation of Pisces for just under a month. (Einstein had Venus in Pisces in his Vedic horoscope ~ and he just wanted to swim in the beauty of the Universe.)
Venus in Pisces with the full moon
This full moon happens to be in a water sign and in the sign of the moon. This overlap in water themes brings an incredible resonance to the practice of being present in love.
Venus in Pisces is early this year, so this is a special confluence. When Venus is in Pisces it’s called exalted in Vedic Astrology, which is opening to this place of love, and also sumptuousness.
Water Theme
Water theme lights up in our lives to help us learn about nourishing ourselves and the about calm presence.
This water theme is connecting you with complete flow and the beginning of the theme of what you are cultivating for the year.
Pisces is another water sign. So, Venus will be over in Pisces in this water sign (showing you in the skymap), and the moon is in this water sign, Cancer.
What’s important is this isn’t just pure water – because water must have a container.
We’re really going to be feeling it – the flow and lusciousness of life.
Venus in Pisces inspires creativity in all its forms
Be inspired to sing, paint, dance, write music or enjoy music differently. Try and write poetry or begin writing that story you have been meaning to – there is a different theme this year which just might be supporting you to write your life’s work of art!Â
Any way that you can be creative – allow yourself to enjoy trying things in new ways. Try different food or to prepare new dishes and add beautiful edible flowers or present it with colors (for yourself as much as for sharing with others).
The theme is opening to that capacity to love yourself and to be kind and open to others in new ways for the whole year.
Mercury Retrograde connects with this Venus nicely
This weaves perfectly together with Mercury retrograde in February and March with a theme of communicating with yourself in new ways.
It’s time to re-connect with yourself in EASY daily routines that connect you with your breath and an ability to shift and re-set if you need to. When you listen to yourself ~ you can creatively respond to what you need in the moment.Â
Annual Conscious Calendars
If you want more tips ahead of time, get a year of Conscious Calendars and see the Green Days 12 months from now with your Annual Subscription.
At the beginning of each month you can access tips like this, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.
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