Want to know your Sun Sign in Vedic Astrology?
Your Sun sign might be different in the Vedic system.
To begin here are the Vedic Sun Signs according to when you are born.
If you were born between the listed dates, then that is your Sun Sign in Vedic Astrology.

January 14 - February 11

February 12 - March 13

March 14 - April 13

April 14 - May 14

May 15 - June 14

June 15 - July 16

July 17 - August 16

August 17 - September 16
Sun Signs
The Sun sign simply signifies the MONTH that you are born. You will notice that the Vedic Sun Signs shift in the middle of most months.
The sidereal system used in Vedic astrology is based on the current position of the constellations. And as time goes on, the stars shift every 72 years precisely by one degree due to Earth’s tilt and wobbly orbit. As such, the dates for the sun signs also change over the years.
Does this change who you are or your personality? Definitely not. It is usually validating when people learn of their Vedic Sun sign. When I describe the Sun sign according to what house it is in for each person in a session, they often say “Wow, that is much more accurate!”
The reason you might have been able to “see” yourself as your Western Sun Sign personality is because I often find that people have planets in their Western astrology sun sign! So there is a flavor of that influence in the person’s life, it is just not the sun sign.
On the Cusp
If you are born on or near the date when the Sun appears to change constellations, then your sun sign will depend on the year and where on the planet you were born. Your sign may or may not shift if you are near the cusp. You’ll need to have a Vedic Birth Chart to know definitively what your Vedic Sun Sign is.
The Sky Map is Different in the Two Systems
Western or tropical astrology uses the Tropic of Cancer to define the sky map. The result: This means the sky map is about 2000 years ‘off’ from our current skies according to astronomy. They are using a sky map that is "fixed" in place to a time well in the past.
In Vedic astrology, the sidereal sky map is used. This is the same map astronomers use and is based on the sky as it is now. This likely means your sun sign will shift as the sky map is different now than it was hundreds of years ago.
Each sign in the zodiac covers 30 degrees in the sky.
Western astrology is approximately 23 degrees “later” than Vedic astrology. So your Sun sign might shift and be in a different constellation according to Vedic Astrology!
For instance, if you have your Sun in Aries in Western astrology, there is a chance your Sun sign in Vedic astrology would be in Pisces.
If your Sun sign is in the late degrees of a sign, later than 23 degrees, then your Sun Sign will remain in the same sign from Western astrology to Vedic astrology. For instance, if your Sun sign was at 25 degrees in Aries in Western astrology, you would still have Sun in Aries in Vedic astrology. But remember - to get an accurate Sun sign for you it is best to get your Vedic birth chart and if possible a session with a qualified Vedic Astrologer who can help you understand your chart.
Further info on the differences
The tropical (Western), and the Vedic Aries (sidereal) were on the same zodiacal plane around 285 AD. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, at present, there is approximately a 24 degree difference. Thus all of the planets in a Vedic horoscope, including the rising sign, will be about 24 zodiacal degrees earlier than they would be in a Western chart.
Western astrology emphasizes the psychological nature of the individual, but lacks reliability for predicting future cycles and events.
Although Vedic astrology also defines a person’s psychological nature, it gives more focus to understanding when certain events are likely to take place.
Vedic astrology gives a better view of:
- A person’s karmic tendencies
- When such tendencies are likely to manifest for that person.
The times of life events are shown through a detailed system of planetary time cycles, called “dashas.” There is no corresponding method in Western astrology.