Full Moon and Moon Salutation Yoga
This Earth sign full moon connects us with the powers of the Earth and Gaia (and with the eight Vasus, the solar gods of energy and light). This full moon brings insights and wisdom, and perceptions of truth. Meditation during this particular full moon can bring you deep new understandings of how energy and matter interact. And how your ideas can become real or a physical reality.
The word Chandra means ‘moon’ in Sangskrita. Chandra Namaskar is the Moon Salutation meant to align you with the nourishing forces of rest and repair of both body and mind.
The Moon Salutation aligns you with all the healing elements of the moon, especially when performed at night August 13 – 15 2019 after a light shower and putting on clean cotton clothes. (You can practice the moon salutation on each full moon that is not caught up in the lunar eclipse which occur 2 – 4 times a year. Those are the Mega Red Days that Kathleen shows you ahead of time, so you can plan your travel and time with family and spiritual practices at a glance.)
Summer Practices to cool Pitta
In the northern hemisphere, we are well into the summer season and Pitta and heat is at its highest. The moon and all things associated with the moon (including true moonstone) bring cooling and calming elements to body and mind.
In the southern hemisphere, I suggest performing more sun salutations in the morning to help your body ‘warm’ up in your cooler spring, but moving slowly as to not over strain the joints.
Moon and the healing forces of plants
In Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology, the moon is said to be the force which brings the healing forces to all plant life on Earth. Sun gives life and vitality and the moon brings an alchemical change which alters each plant at night time with its unique healing composition for that location and time of year. Photosynthesis – the transformation of our exhales and CO2 to life giving Oxygen for all mammals occurs at night after all.
Full Moon Aligned action:
– Perform Moon Salutation Yoga at night to welcome calm vibrations and cool the mind from August 13 – 15 this month.
Moon Salutation – Chandra Namaskar
The Sun Salutation in its 12 steps aligns with the twelve constellations the sun appears to inhabit in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and the twelve zodiac signs. This is a later (only in the last few thousand years) adoption of the “Sun” signs as Vedic Astrology originally is based in a completely Lunar and Map of the heavens according the moon. The Moon is homeo sapiens’ first clock after all – being the most ancient way to tell time, and map our movement in the solar system.
The Moon Salutation has 14 steps with the one extra asana, the half moon pose (Ardha Chandrasana) in the middle.
The Moon salutation is also performed more slowly than the Sun Salutation to allow the tissues to be nourished and the lymph system to flow and Rasa Dhatu to be harmonized, rather than the activation of the channels, the pingala and the muscles (Mamsa dhatu) that occurs with Sun Salutation at sunrise or first thing in the morning.
Here is a great link which shows the 14 postures of the Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
Lunar Days in Vedic Astrology and Conscious Calendars uses the ‘Energy of the Day’
The 14 steps of the Moon Salutation are connected with the fourteen phases of the moon. In Vedic Astrology, there are 14 lunar days leading up to the full moon. These each have designations in Vedic Astrology and are described by either the waxing (Shukla) or the waning (Krishna) half of the lunar cycle. The lunar days are designated as 1st waxing moon day (Shukla Pratipada) to 14th waxing moon day (Shukla Chaturdashi) and the day of the full moon sits apart as the 15th lunar day (Shukla Poornima).
Each Lunar Day has a particular energy to it – and the energy available for specific tasks are associated with different lunar days.
Kathleen has designed the Conscious Calendars to keep the lunar days and the activities associated with them into the calendar’s algorithm.
In addition to the lunar day, Kathleen has included in the Conscious Calendars system the Nakshatra or Lunar Mansion of the day, plus what constellation the Moon resides, and all the qualities of the panchangam PLUS even more. Conscious Calendars is one of the only systems which also takes into account whether the Moon is with the eclipse patterns (Yellow Days), whether the Moon is in a sign with Saturn (Purple Days), whether the Moon is with Mars (lightning bolt days if it is a day of ‘useful’ Mars energy), whether the Moon is in direct helpful rays of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus (Green Days) and has enough light of the moon for outward activities like marketing, meetings, getting things done, planting or transplanting in gardens, beginning or changing health routines, social events or dating, or productive work (Green Days).
This is why Conscious Calendars is a bit different than simply viewing the traditional Panchangam in Vedic Astrology.
If you want more tips ahead of time, join the Conscious Calendars Membership and get a Monthly Astro Forecast with your Annual Subscription.
At the beginning of each month you can access tips like this, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.
Live consciously and aligned with natural rhythms.