Welcome to the week beginning January 26, 2020 everyone, with your cosmic insights from Conscious Calendars and Kathleen Whalen. I’m your Vedic astrologer.
This is a sweet, simple week. We do have one mild Green Day. [Correction: We have TWO mild Green Days this week – one on Monday and another one at the end of the week!]
The week begins on that other side of the new moon (which was on January 24, see the other blog post for information on the Capricorn New moon according to Vedic Astrology).
Jan 24 – 26 were still Purple Days which can slow down our pace or give us obstacles to overcome. So if you feel a little slowness to the start of your week in that last week of January, it’s okay. Just give yourself some space.
Then things really start cooking because the light of the moon is now expanding.
By the end of the week, you have a [second] mild Green Day, just giving you a sweet little sense of support – an opening to connect with creativity, curiosity.
Start Planning Your Year – Finally
You can finally start connecting with plans and visioning your year!
I say this is the week to really start allowing yourself to look at the whole year and start planning and not prior to that because of the eclipses on Dec 25 and January 10 which really put a wrench in plans and brought chaos to the energy of the new year – (those fires in Australia were an effect from previous eclipse seasons).
So if you felt a little obstructed or slow or been judging that you weren’t “On it”, that’s okay. You’ve actually been in resonance!
That last week of January is the time to open to things and opens into February with more support as the moon is waxing in light towards the next full moon on February 9, 2020.
There are some nice surprises in early February and some intensity later in the month, too. Please use the next week to listen-in to what you really want to do and start making moves toward it. I will be so happy to hear what comes of your next week.
This is Kathleen Whalen, founder of Conscious Calendars.
Look Ahead 12 months! Get Annual Conscious Calendars
True 2020 vision with a year of Conscious Calendars and see the Green Days 12 months from now with your Annual Subscription before prices go UP in January 2020 and get the extended Forecast as a free bonus with your year of calendars! This includes a Forecast PDF, new and full moon videos I share with extended insights on the month and how to prepare for the next month.
At the beginning of each month you can access tips like this, detailed information about each type of ‘day’ in the calendar, and significant astrological events that help you PLAN and have perspective.
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