Penumbral and Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on March 24–25, 2024
Eclipse days are called Mega Red Days in the Conscious Calendars system. It is because these days are very good for deepening your spiritual discipline and reversing karmic patterns when you apply yourself. Lunar eclipse days often enhance people’s emotions and increase desire or reactivity in relationships. The best advice around an eclipse is ‘just say no’. Say no to that treat you want to buy yourself, say no to having an emotional conversation. Say YES to practicing meditation, or sitting calmly at the Peak or Maximum time of the Eclipse.
You will build success in your life when you choose to say YES to withdrawing from the world and drama or news on the eclipse day and peak eclipse time. See the locations and maximum eclipse times. It does not matter if the eclipse is not visible where you live, you will still benefit from saying mantra or meditating and fasting during the peak or maximum eclipse time.
Visibility of Lunar Eclipse
Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Europe, North/East Asia, Much of Australia, Much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Antarctica.
Ironically, even though this eclipse is visible from many places around the world, it will have a minimal effect on our psyches and health because the Earth barely shadows the Moon and this decreases the effects of the Lunar Eclipse.
UTC March 25 (Universal Time)
Begins: 04:53 am
Maximum: 07:12 am
Ends: 09:32 am
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Locations and duration of the Lunar Eclipse are from East to West. These locations will see the lunar eclipse first and it will rise across the world as the full moon rises.
Dubai (DST) – March 25
Not visible from Dubai. See the eclipse window converted from UTC below:
Begins: 08:53 am
Maximum: 11:12 am
Ends: 13:32 or 01:32 pm
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Marrakech Morocco (WET) March 25
Begins: 04:53 am
Maximum: 06:33 am
Ends: 06:35 am
Duration: 1 hour, 42 minutes
London (GMT) March 25 2024
Begins: 04:53 am
Maximum: 05:57 am
Ends: 06:01 am
Duration: 1 hour, 8 minutes
New York (EST) March 25
Begins: 00:53 or 12:53 am
Maximum: 03:12 am
Ends: 05:32 am
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Mexico City (CST) March 24/25
Begins: 22:53 or 10:53 pm March 24
Maximum: 01:12 am March 25
Ends: 03:32 am March 25
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Los Angeles/Seattle March 24/25
Begins: 9:53 pm (March 24)
Maximum: 12:12 am (March 25)
Ends: 14:42 or 2:32 am (March 25)
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Paris (CET) March 25 Penumbral
Eclipse not visible during max and end
Begins: 05:53 am
Maximum: 06:48 am
Ends: 10:32 am
Duration: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Sydney (AEDT) March 25
Begins: 19:00 or 7:00 pm
Maximum: 19:00 or 7:03 pm
Ends: 20:32 or 8:32 pm
Duration: 1 hour, 32 minutes
Learn More about what a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is
Go here to learn more about what a penumbral lunar eclipse is. A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is barely visible and thus has a milder effect on our psyche. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is created when the shadow of Earth’s field is what blocks the sun’s light on to the moon. This often looks like a regular full moon and is barely visible as an eclipse.
That is good news from Vedic Astrology’s point of view! Less intense eclipse equals less intense experience in your life.
Total Solar Eclipse Across United States
Make sure to mark the important Total Solar Eclipse on your Calendar for Monday April 8, 2024. The solar eclipse travels across the United States and will have effects on those who observe it and additionally on those who have natal planets in Pisces and Virgo – the regions of all eclipses for the next 18 months.
If you don’t see your location listed Look up your local Lunar Eclipse data from Timeanddate
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