Chinese New Year begins at 5:03 am in China on Feb 5, 2019
The New Moon is on FEBRUARY 4 @ 9:03 PM UTC & GMT / 4:03 PM EST/ 1:03 PM PST /
FEBRUARY 5 @ 8:03 AM AEDT (Australia)
Welcome to the Year of the Earth Pig or Boar!
This New Moon marks the Lunar New Year of the Pig/Boar and is called Chinese New Year or Spring Festival.
Year of the Pig is all about celebrating time with family and friends, experiencing the good things in life in the moment.
This is a great year to finish any major projects that you might have been working on (house projects, community projects, that book that has been lingering; anything that takes perseverance.) Year of the Pig will help give you the energy to finish larger projects since those born in this year have a tremendous ability to stick to tasks and see projects until they are finished.
Overindulgence is an issue in Year of the Boar – but not in the way you might think.
When you mix spontaneity and an ability to welcome pleasure or enjoying the finer things in life, the two together can create an outspent pocket book.
Be aware that it is easy to over-spend this year, as well as indulge unless you allow your ‘observer self’ to check-in and make sure you are not jumping from one “special” purchase to another on a daily or weekly basis. Treating yourself is just dandy, and a great way to align with the Boar energy, but it works best if you are ‘treating yourself or friends’ in a way where you have looked at the REAL and final cost.
One of the recommendations I gave in the BONUS videos for our paid subscriber group was to have a potluck instead of hosting an entire dinner with friends. This way you get the camaraderie and can still relax and have fun but are not out a ton of money.
So, find a way to make a budget for all of the super-fun things you want to do this year! And then check-in every week or month to make sure things are not out of hand.
Overwork is also an indulgence of the Boar born, and since we all tend to ‘act like the animal year’ we will need to watch overworking this year, despite also having fun with friends and family.
Boars can get headlong lost in their work and even deny eating for long periods of time because they are consumed with what they are doing, or are driving to complete projects they deem important. Some boars are better at self-care than others, and it is that self awareness that marks whether a boar will stop and take a break and nourish themselves versus working to finish something, just to get the feeling of a completed goal.
Indeed, having a boar work for you will give you a dedicated and loyal worker, but they will want to be rewarded with time-off, that they can spontaneously choose so they can either travel, decide to take a day off to shop or relax or to dive into a personal project that they start and want to see to the end.
This will give you a happy pig who will gladly work hard at work provided they get appreciation or compensation with a sense of freedom or the ability to be spontaneous with their schedule. They will always get the job done, even if it takes extra time or weekends.
Celebrate Lunar New Year from Full Moon to Full Moon actually.
Lunar New Year is regularly celebrated for an entire month. This year the energy began on the eclipse in late January as we prepared and cleared out old patterns and the moon moved toward New.
Generosity is natural in the Year of the Boar.
Those born in Year of the Boar or Year of the Pig love to shower those they love with gifts! If you are a loved one of a Boar born, then you know that if you really want something, they find a way of gifting it to you. They just are often SO generous, that it can cause them to go into un-needed debt.
To align with this generous energy for the year – since it is auspicious to work with the energy of the year – See if you can show up to help your friends with sweat-equity by helping them with something that is easy for you to do. You can be generous with friends by helping them with one of their projects. And in reverse, be open to asking and receiving support from friends on projects that are important to you. Let friends show up and help you with your projects.
“Barn-raising” is the way to use time with friends without breaking the bank this year and it will build bonds and community at the same time.
Vedic Astrology Interpretation of Lunar New Year Chart
When I look at the chart for Lunar New Year in China something jumps out to me.
My advice: *Try something new this year.
It will add meaning and zest to your life ~ and prevent you from ‘acting out’ in July when the eclipses hit and the tendency for all of us to act impulsively occurs.
Gain a special view of your year with double the sessions – Vedic Coaching with Kathleen.
I am YOUR advocate, and since I am looking at the energies of each month and can see how the year will play out in phases, I like to take all of that into account when there are big thresholds like this New Moon and the a true energetic beginning to the year.
Trying something new is important to do because of how I see the energy of the New Year coupled with what I know about the adorable Pig. Here is what I mean:
Those born in the Pig Year can get bored easily. So with Mercury with the New Moon in Capricorn (Vedic Sky Map), if you learn something new this year, and start it soon, you will have curiosity and find vitality throughout your year!
If you add some new lessons – learning a language, dancing, a craft, join a hiking group, or learn a new technology or garden more – you will not feel bored by mid-year.
Learning something new like taking a cooking class or joining a writing group will keep curiosity alive and help make your year even more successful financially plus it will be filled with meaning and new friends. Better yet, take the cooking or spice lessons and apply it by inviting friends over throughout the year. By the end of the year, you will have walked them through your journey and had fun doing it. (Sort of like Julie and Julia the movie)
Join a Master Mind or Women or Men’s Group
It is a great year to join a master mind if you run your own company. It is a great time to seek out a women or men’s group. Gathering regularly is a great way to stay tapped into community and is a focus for the year.
Now, the Boar likes to be on his own and as a result does not enjoy being a manager and would rather do all the work his or herself. When it comes to creating lasting bonds and meaning in life, the Boar can be a bit lonely even when being a dedicated family member. This is all the more reason that for personal development it would be very good for the Boar and for all of us this year, to extend ourselves and find connection, meaning and support in new ways – enter a master mind, or men or women’s group. I highly recommend joining a closed group which creates more safety (This is called a coterie, which can be as small as 2 people or larger. Regular meetings are often part of cultivating bonds over time).
Women, Love, Success and Prosperity
I might be starting a Master Mind of my own – focused on Women and Prosperity and I am looking for leaders and high vibration women with whom to connect! If you are interested, please reach out to Jennifer at [email protected] and let me know. I will make sure to keep you in mind if I create a Master Mind in the next two months.
To see what Years coincide with Year of the Pig or Boar – go to this blog post.
Observer Self – A note on observer Self mentioned above:
Observer Self is not the part of you that stand in judgement, but is a loving, neutral observer of all conscious and unconscious parts of you.
An observer Self is a part of you which is watching and observing that is greater than the “I-me” self. When you begin asking “Who is doing the doing?”
“Who is thinking these thoughts?” Other things begin to happen with your inner awareness.
This Lunar New Year and Year of the Boar content is taken from the 16 page February Astro Forecast Report which is just ONE of the many bonuses which come with each Annual Subscription to Conscious Calendars.
Annual Subscribers get 13 months of Conscious Calendars and Bonuses as shown on this page.