Super Full Moon in VIRGO occurs Monday Apr 8 at 2:35 am UTC / 3:35 am GMT / 12:35 pm AEDT
Apr 7 10:35 pm EDT / 7:35 pm PDT
This “pink” super moon is to be the biggest and brightest of 2020. This is a day to move and shake up your world.
Leading into Easter (on April 12) and the fullness of celebrating a “new way of life”. What can you celebrate that is NEW in your life? Many of you have started walking or riding bikes more, or gardening or working out or meditating. This is creating a new GROUND of your being with the full moon the Earth sign of Virgo.
This is healing moon and connects you with healing plants (which are given their healing qualities under the Moon according to Ayurveda) and the healing nature of the Earth. Time to connect with nature as best you can. In your garden, on a hike (with wide paths!), cuddling your dog or cat or other furry baby. Maybe you have a favorite plant you can meditate beside? Get creative with how to connect with nature.
Good things to do this week:
- Massage your feet – and give yourself “yoga toes”.
Give yourself Yoga Toes by massaging between your toes with soapy water while taking a warm bath. Place all of your fingers between your toes and massage the inside of your toes – this might hurt a bit if you have sluggish lymph system. That’s why it is nicer if you do this in a bath with some slick soap on your hands. If you do this once a week, then within three months, you will see the SHAPE OF YOUR TOES CHANGE, to be longer and more slender with more space between your toes.
This will give you more stability to stand on one foot.
Give yourself Yoga Toes with no gadgets! - Moon Bathing – spend time under this full moon. Not all full moons are aligned energy for moon bathing. This full moon with Venus in Taurus brings special qualities to help health and healing and for building your energy field. It is a potent time to build consciousness and help your physical body get stronger too.
- Moon Salutation Yoga
Like the Sun Salutation in Yoga, but is slower in pace with a few asanas or positions that have you stabilize your core. You really need to focus more to do Moon Salutation. It is quite a lovely sequence. - Earthing – and abundance practice under this full moon
If you can, this is a great time for earthing. Get your bare feet on the earth. Earthing is walking barefoot outside, with the soles of your feet free to directly connect with the surface of the earth. Health benefits of earthing may include: reducing stress, reducing inflammation, increase energy, sleep better, and decreasing pain. If possible, get outside in your bare feet in the evening or night during the full moon. Stay as long as possible and bathe in the moonlight.At this time, count your blessings, be thankful for the bounty in your life and what you have already.
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