Happy Earth Day!
This Mars Moon Day has some special features to it – Jupiter and Moon converge in Scorpio right across from that grounded Mars and funnel energy to any project we are working on. Look for great group work, communication and ‘Getting Stuff Done’ back-and-forth connections.
The Moon’s movement through our skies
PLUS Conscious Calendars looks at whether the Moon is WITH any other planets like Mars (Mars Moon Day) or Saturn (Purple Day )or the Eclipse patterns (Yellow Days) or if the Moon is WITH or aspected by any one of the Good-giving planets Venus, Mercury or Jupiter (those are Green Days only when there is enough lunar light for actions that are for making money, making babies, romance, connection with family and friends, important meetings, sending out announcements and newsletters and marketing, signing important contracts, opening new bank/investment accounts, travel, gardening, writing music or making recordings).
This is where Conscious Calendars integrates more than just the five daily features of the moon in the Vedic Calendar – this calendar takes into account ALL of the planets relationship with the Moon. In the Vedic system, the Moon represents consciousness, thus as we make Conscious decisions on a daily or monthly basis according to the rhythm of the moon we are both tapping into our natural rhythms that are embedded into our development as human beings and being pro-active.
That is Conscious Living and Conscious Calendars helps you look one month or one year ahead to what the Moon will be doing and what planets it will be with on any given day.
With Climate Change I hope you look at every day as Earth Day and make conscious choices which will leave YOUR home and town in a much healthier state to pass on to the next generation.