New Moon in Scorpio December 12th, 2023
The New Moon in Scorpio December 12th. Read more below to learn how everyone’s vitality and mental clarity will start to build on Dec. 13. The month of December, it also happens to be the Red Day for everyone on the planet.  Now, often we get the day of the new moon and the red day overlapping, but they’re two different concepts really.  So basically your first lunar day will be December 13th when the energy begins building towards your next lunar month.
Scorpio is a sign of death. It is a water sign, it is ruled by Mars, and it is what we call the natural eighth constellation. When we have a new moon in Scorpio, which usually occurs in the wintertime because of how we are orbiting the sun, this sign of great depth is often associated in Western astrology with things like mystery or secretive, but in actuality, the natural eighth sign has to do with everything we cannot see. Things like psychology. energy healing, astrology, and the unconscious mind.
So very often, if you have, or you know someone who has an ascendant moon or sun in Scorpio, they may have a profession or an interest in the world of psychology, energy healing, or something to do with astrology, or something to do with the unconscious mind.
Just like an ocean has great depths, so the Scorpio sign person has great depths. When we have a new moon in Scorpio, we all get to tap into this energy where we’re being asked to slow down and connect in more deeply intimate ways that have greater meaning to us. It’s not about superficial talk.
Lowest Energy of the Year
The week prior to this is the lowest energy of the entire year. Luckily, everyone’s vitality and mental clarity will start to build on Dec. 13.
I have a separate video where I talk all about the constellation of Scorpio and people who may have an ascendant or their moon in Scorpio. So take a look at that video, and the new moon in Scorpio basically and the red day is the lowest energy of the entire year if you live in the northern hemisphere.
It’s not anything to be afraid of. We’re given one day a month with the regular red day to rest.
This is like a sabbatical. It’s a day to unhook and to move slower, to allow yourself to listen to what your body needs, and sometimes that’s taking a nap.
Self Nourishment
Now, not everyone can adjust their schedule. If you have a corporate job, not everyone can adjust their schedule and take that day off.  But you can be mindful to maybe sleep in a little more on that day, and then come straight home from work and try to have dinner prepared or things ready the night before so that you can be restful on that day.
Red days, and the lowest energy of the year for those of us in our winter, are very very important to get self-nourishment and for self-care.  One recommendation is to try for a minimum of once a month, ideally two to three times a month, to have a day with no screens. Try not to even look at your phone or get distracted by texts with friends. Instead, move slowly, spend time in nature, get fresh air, and listen to what your body needs.
Listen to Your Feelings
Now for December, you will see that the theme is to listen to your feelings. And to follow your feelings, not indulge the feelings, but rather begin skills with the world of your feelings. One of the ways that you can do that is ironically enough connecting with your body.
That will be stretching and massaging. Sometimes it’s really good to start with your feet, ankles, and your calves because these are grounding energies.  Plus, when we bend over and do those things, it stretches our lower back.
So here’s the irony, to connect with water and the new moon in Scorpio, I’m going to recommend that you let and help the movement of your body move like water.
Health Tip of the Month
And in the health tip of the month, you will see that I’m going to talk about things like Feldenkrais, cranial sacral, and undulating movement.  So you may just be stretching, and massaging your feet, ankles, and calves. When you bend over, if you can, have your legs straight or even bent, massage your feet, or if you have your leg up like in a four, and you’re massaging your foot, ankle, and calf, you are going to naturally lean forward and stretch your lower back.
This is going to help all of this movement in your cerebral spinal fluid and help your brain. So even though the theme is about feelings, I’m going to be recommending things that help the physical brain and consciousness for December in your health tip.
Unhooking and Reconnecting With Yourself
So the new moon in Scorpio, this place of depth, is about connecting with yourself in a deeper, more intimate way, which may be unhooking from stimulus. That would be not listening to music, not viewing screens, not watching TV, not looking at your phone, not doing email. Oh, my goodness, for some people that might cause what do I do??
You will be very surprised at what happens when you begin to drop into a different kind of rhythm with yourself, especially on the red day itself. You might just realize that you’re tired and You get to just sit and be.
Now, granted, parents don’t get to do that. And if you’ve got a corporate job, maybe choose a weekend day before the 12th or after the 12th. I just wanted to make sure that I explained this concept of unhooking as a concept for the red day.
But in particular, when you also are just being and you’re stretching, you’re nourishing the water element in you and you’re helping yourself ground.
So I made all of those connections by the recommendations I made. They’re not just random choices of the health tip. They’re always about alignment and the energies of the month. So that is your red day this month.
Tips for Those in the Southern Hemisphere
If you are in the Southern Hemisphere and it is your Summertime, you’re just going to feel a little bit of a blip in the month. It’s your summer and December 12th is just the lowest energy of the month and your biggest solar time. And so you’ll notice that it’s still an important day to pause.
If all you did was pause and sit a little bit in the shade with part of your body in the sunshine, allowing the solar energy to come in you, but maybe have the sun either at your low back with your front being in the shade, or the back of your body in the shade and the front of your body in the sun for five minutes.
This will allow yin energy to come into you in the middle of your summer solstice. Â I’ll also talk about solstice in one of your videos.
Have a fantastic December, nourish deep, and connect more deeply with yourself. Â It will allow you to be able to be intimate in conversations and experience more meaning in your life.
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