Parivatna Yoga is when two planets mutually exchange places
Parivatna Yoga means ‘exchange’. This can be a powerful form of ‘yoga’ in Vedic Astrology, depending on which planets and houses or constellation are exchanging their energy. Read below about some of the most powerful exchanges that can occur in a birth chart.
Yogas Affect Society and the World
Additionally, when the Earth experiences strong ‘exchange yogas’ or Parivatna Yogas the positive or disruptive forces affect the psyche, ethos, health, and commerce of the world.
Positive exchanges, like between harmonious planets or benefic planets, bring about leadership, movements of change for good, and building community or advocating for others.
Yogas in Vedic Astrology
The word ‘Yoga’ means ‘to join’ or ‘union’. Yoga in Vedic Astrology means to yoke or join forces, specifically of planets, constellations, and houses.
Vedic Astrology is the only astrology that employs ‘yogas’ that describe a synergistic karmic result that is greater than the sum of its parts.
The parts that are combined could be a combination of planet placement, planetary disposition (what we call the ruler of a house), house number, and sign combinations which when combined create something greater than each part on its own.
In Vedic Astrology, ‘yoga’ means a special combination that yields specific results.
This linking or connection falls into one of the following types:
- Planets only
- Planets and Houses
- Planets and Signs or constellations
- Any combination of the above
Common yogas in a natal or birth chart are raja yogas, combining the energy and karma of houses that are angles (1, 4, 7, 10) with the houses that are trines (1, 5, 9).
Definitions: kendras are called angles, and are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses which form the houses of action. Trines are called trikona houses and are the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses of purpose or dharma.
A Parivatna Yoga in Vedic Astrology could either be a great combination or a yoga of difficulty.
A Parivatna Yoga is when two planets exchange their houses or the rulers of two houses are found in each other’s house. When 2 planets are in each other’s house, this yields more powerful results because it brings about a four-fold effect.
Each planet acts as if it is in its ‘own’ house and also delivers the results or karmas of the planet in its original house. This unique combination links the houses through constellations or signs and also through house rulership.
Example of a Parivatna Yoga – Jupiter and Mars
For example, when Jupiter is in Aries and Mars is in Sagittarius this is a Parivatna Yoga. Jupiter brings the karmic results as if it resides in both Aries and Sagittarius. It also lights up and strengthens the effects of the house number that Aries and Sagittarius are in this example. Mars brings the karmic results of Mars in Sagittarius and also Mars in Aries.
This unique and exponentially powerful yoga or “Super Maha Yoga” as I call them of Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius is even more pumped up because Jupiter also sends supportive energy to Sagittarius, the natural 9th house, and the Year of the Dragon energy from Jupiter in Aries, while also supporting Leo, and Libra with its ‘glance’ or dhristi.
With the exchange of energy, Jupiter acts as if it is in Sagittarius, and sends positive energy to Aries, Gemini, and Leo again.
This example of an exchange of Jupiter-Mars Yoga ends up supercharging Aries and Sagittarians with leadership, advocacy, vision, and an ability to act and implement with immense power. You will notice that the third fire sign, Leo, also gains energy and support, and receives Jupiter’s energy from both of its locations.
This support can feel like opportunities open easily, luck, feeling supported or finding answers easily, people are attracted or magnetized to you, or the area of life that Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo represent in your birth chart.
This VERY special exchange yoga is in the heavens from Dec. 28, 2023 through February 5, 2024.
Parivatna Yogas are sometimes powerful combinations in a birth chart and are unique to Vedic Astrology.
No other form of astrology describes what qualities and karmas derive when two planets exchange houses.
Good-giving or benefic yogas are created when lords or rulers of benefic houses are exchanged. When harmonious or friendly planets exchange this can bring an even greater combination, depending on what houses are involved in this yoga.
Benefic Planets Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in Parivatna Yogas
Some of the most auspicious and powerful-for-good exchanges occur when either the benefic planets or harmonious planets exchange signs.
For instance, every two to three years we have the opportunity for Jupiter to exchange with either Venus or Mercury.  When the planets of wisdom, artistry, kindness, luxury, intelligence, and communication or commerce exchange; they open windows to more harmony, inventions for the good of the world, philanthropy, and education to expand around the world.
Examples of Benefic Planets in a Parivatna Yoga
Here are some ways that the Benefic Planets could exchange in a birth chart or temporarily bring opportunities and luck to our lives, depending on what houses these constellations are in your birth chart:
- Jupiter in Taurus and Venus in Pisces
(coming in February 2025) It is even more lucky because Venus is at its most powerful or exalted when in Pisces.
1977 – a good year for a special exchange
March 1970 is another time this very special exchange occurred. If you know someone born during this time, you likely know they are a wonderful person to have in your life.
There are some people born in 1970 and 1977 who are tremendous leaders and wealthy with this yoga in their charts when Pisces and Taurus are 9th, 10th, or 11th house. - Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces
(coming in 2026)Â It is more auspicious when Mercury is in Sagittarius, as Mercury is challenged or debilitated in Pisces. - Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces
- Jupiter in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius or Pisces
Harmonious Planets like Jupiter and Mars create some of the most powerful Yogas with Partivatna Yoga
When planets that work well together are exchanged, they create the most powerful, leadership yogas. When planets that are harmonious exchange with each other, this makes the Parivatna Yoga even more resonant and brings exponential results if the houses are the purpose and action houses. (2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11)
For instance, Jupiter and Mars exchange can be the strongest for advocacy, leadership like that of a King or mayor, involved in law, advocacy.
Jupiter is friends with Mars, the Moon, and the Sun but combinations of Jupiter with the Moon and Sun create sometimes problematic yogas.
Jupiter and Mars combinations are the most powerful because Mars changes into a more Sattvic planet under Jupiter’s influence. This occurs when Mars is either combined with Jupiter or exchanged with Jupiter or receiving Jupiter’s glance.
When Jupiter is in the house of Mars, Aries, or Scorpio, and Mars is in the house of Jupiter, Sagittarius, or Pisces this creates a super-charged exchange with each of the planets acting as if it is in its own sign and as if it is in the exchanged sign.
Of these possibilities, the exchange between Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aries is the most powerful because Jupiter continues to aspect or shine its light on Aries and its own house. Sagittarius is also the natural 9th house or the domain of Jupiter, teachers, luck, wisdom, and guidance.
Supercharged Jupiter and Mars exchange
This special exchange or Parivatna Yoga can occur for two months, possibly once every 24 years, but because Mars retrogrades and the movement of the planets is not exact, we will not have this special Parivatna Yoga between Jupiter and Mars with Aries and Sagittarius for another 83 years!
Jupiter returns to Aries once every 12 years. Mars has a two-year orbit around the Sun, so it can only inhabit Sagittarius once every two years. The chances of Mars transiting Sagittarius while Jupiter is in Aries only occur every 24 years.
More examples of Parivatna Yogas
Here are more examples of these special exchange yogas. The results will be different depending on what house number the signs are for each individual.
Additional Mars and another planet exchanges
- Venus in Aries or Scorpio and Mars in Taurus or Libra. Exchange between Venus and Mars
- Mercury in Aries or Scorpio and Mars in Gemini or Virgo. Exchange between Mercury and Mars
- Saturn in Aries or Scorpio and Mars in Capricorn or Aquarius. Exchange between Saturn and MarsÂ
- Sun in Aries or Scorpio and Mars in Leo. Exchange between the Sun and Mars
- Moon in Aries or Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. Exchange between Moon and Mars Â
- Jupiter and Mars exchange is explained above
Exchanges between the Moon and other planets
- Jupiter in Cancer and The Moon in Pisces or Sagittarius. Exchange between Jupiter and the Moon
- Venus in Cancer and the Moon in Taurus or Libra. Exchange between Venus and the Moon
- Mercury in Cancer and the Moon in Gemini or Virgo. Exchange between Mercury and the Moon
- Saturn in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius. Exchange between Saturn and the Moon
- Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo. Exchange between the Sun and Moon
- Mars in Cancer and the Moon in Aries or Scorpio were already mentioned above
   Additional Exchanges between Saturn and other planets
- Saturn in Taurus or Libra and Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius. Exchange between Saturn and Venus
- Saturn in Gemini or Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius. Exchange between Saturn and Mercury
- Saturn in Leo and the Sun in Capricorn or Aquarius. Exchange between the Sun and Saturn
- Saturn in Sagittarius or Pisces and Jupiter in Capricorn or Aquarius. Exchange between Saturn and Jupiter
- Saturn’s exchange with the Moon and Mars has already been mentioned above
Additional Exchanges between Venus and other planets
- Venus in Gemini or Virgo and Mercury in Taurus or Libra. Exchange between Venus and Mercury
- Venus in Leo and the Sun in Taurus or Libra. Exchange between Venus and the Sun
- The rest of the Venus Parivatna yogas are mapped above
Additional Exchanges between Jupiter and other planets
- Jupiter in Leo and the Sun in Pisces or Sagittarius. Exchange between Jupiter and the Sun.
Great leadership and ability to have a vision and quick decisions for large groups of people in a corporation, business, or government position.  Depending on what house number these exchanges occur, the power will be accessible or dwindle.
For instance, the person could support non-profits, spiritual organizations, or perform administration or coaching. They could also travel if this exchange is with a Virgo ascendant, linking the 12th house with the 4th or 7th house.
All the other exchanges with Jupiter and the other planets are mapped above.
In 2001, the last time Jupiter was in Aries, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Mars all aligned in Aries creating at least 4 powerful Yogas, but it was not an exchange yoga.
The next time we will have Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius creating this special and leader-creating Yoga is from December 2023 to January 2024, and again in November 2106, 83 years later!
Anyone born in the years mentioned above will have this special yoga in their birth chart and the rest of us will have access to some of the leadership, inspiring ideas, and inner guidance temporarily when these Yogas exist in the sky.
Now, for this to be a useful yoga, the purpose and action houses must be exchanged in a person’s birth chart, namely an exchange between the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th houses. See the Maha Yoga houses below.
“Mantreshwara, the author of Phaladeepika, gives three categories of Parivatna yogas depending upon which two house lords are involved in an exchange.” K. S. Charak
The three types are Maha-Yogas or great combinations, Combinations for Misery, or Combinations for fluctuating or Difficulty.
Maha Yogas
I will be partially discussing the Maha-Yogas here and describe some of the best Planetary exchanges that bring luck, fortune, and kindness or benefic results.
Maha Yogas or Great Combinations result when the 2nd house or the angles or trines exchange planets:
These 28 yogas are created from the mutual exchange between the rulers or lords of the Kendra, trikona, and second and eleventh houses. These yogas can indicate the possibility of wealth, health, status, fame, physical enjoyment, or access to resources.
- The 1st house lord exchanges houses with the lord of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house. These create raja yogas for the most part combining the houses of action and purpose, or the house of earning.
- The 2nd house lord exchanges with the lord of the 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house.
- The 4th house lord exchanges with the lord of the 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house.
- The 5th house lord exchanges with the lord of the 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house.
- The 7th house lord exchanges with the lord of the 9th, 10th, or 11th house.
- The 9th house lord exchanges with the lord of the 10th or 11th house. (When the rulers of the 9th and 10th houses are linked and exchanged this also creates another powerful yoga, a Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga. This links the houses of luck and the highest purpose with action and career to create a very strong Raja Yoga). Note, that I will use Sanskrit, not Hindi terms.
- The 10th house lord exchanges with the lord of the 11th house
It is important to include a comprehensive analysis of a natal or birth chart in Vedic Astrology.  A few strong yogas will not bring the results that the ancient texts describe.
All these yogas need to be mindfully integrated with the entire chart and what a birth chart promises. Careful consideration and integration of all the planets, houses, yogas, planetary dhristhis (glances and influences), the strength of the planets (shad bala), and what the operating Dashas in the Vimshottari Dasha system all help an experienced Vedic Astrologer guide someone with life choices and improving one’s life.
Parivatna Yoga of Difficulty
This occurs when the houses of difficulty exchange with the houses of purpose and action. That is the ruler of the 6th, 8th or 12 house exchanges with the planetary ruler of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th house. This is the second type of Parivatna Yoga.
Instability Yogas are the third type of exchange or Parivatna Yoga
This occurs when the ruler of the 3rd house exchanges with the house lords of the purpose (trikona or trine) and action (kendras or angles) houses. Instability, fickleness, and huge fluctuations can occur when these yogas are found in a birth chart. The entire chart needs to be studied including the strength of the ascendant or 1st house ruler.
Vipareeta Raja Yoga – Difficulty Turning into Positive
When two planets exchange in the houses of debt, difficulties, illness, or loss, then the results can often add to challenges in an individual’s life. These houses of difficulty are 6th, 8th, and 12th houses.
Other types of challenges occur when the 3rd house (the house of courage and ‘overcoming’) is exchanged with the Trik houses of 6, 8, or 12.
Sometimes, depending on the nature of the planets being exchanged, this Parivatna Yoga can create a Vipareeta Raja Yoga where the houses of difficulty are in each other’s houses thereby bringing enormous positive results, but only after the individual has overcome a series of setbacks and has persevered.