Venus Retrograde
When Venus retrogrades it is the planet of love and connection. In Vedic Astrology, Venus is actually the planet of the heart to heart connection, at a deeper, higher, spiritual level.
The lower vibration of Venus is Romance
When we say love with a little “l”, that’s that romance on a physical level.
And the higher love, the big L is feeling connected at a heart level with everyone in the world. The big “L” love is Prem which is Divine Love.
Similarly, there is a difference between Eros versus Agape from little “l” love to the greater Love of feeling connected.
Venus and Art
But Art in particular is the thing that helps us feel connection with the world.  Dance, poetry, all of the arts.  This is why the arts love and connection all get grouped together in Vedic Astrology.
So when Venus Retrogrades, depending on what constellation it retrogrades in, then it will be connected with a relationship that you personally feel connected with, or where you find a connection in life.
Venus Retrograde and The Elements
And that will be directly connected to what kind of constellation and what kind of element the retrograde is in, so if it is in fire, earth, air, or water. The theme of relation will take on a different flavor.
For instance, when Venus retrogrades in a fire sign, people might be looking for more passion in their life, feel a connection, and feel passionately connected to their work, or what they do in their off time.
If it’s retrograding in an earth sign, they usually are desiring safety. And that retrograde is connected with that grounded sense, it’s a first-second chakra kind of energy, but also where is safety, where is a physical connection?
This has to do with the home as well as the physical body and feeling connected with it. And feeling loved on a physical level, like getting a hug or not getting a hug, people might notice it or come up with new ways that they express love, or want to experience feeling loved.
Air sign has to do with the ideas of love, and the communication of love.
And the water signs have to do with relationships at the true intimacy and feeling in flow. And that has to do with you feeling and flow.  When Venus retrogrades in water signs, this is about how you feel and flow and are intimate with others.
Being In Flow
Is it a moment of silence at a dinner? Through playing games? Being down at the beach or taking a walk around the water or walking down to the beach?  It doesn’t have to necessarily have to do with physical water, but water has to do with flow.
And being in flow is an actual term of positive psychology. Being in flow is when we lose time. And it often happens when we’re at the edge of our capacity for something that we’re good at.
And that we’re just stretching ourselves a little bit. But we end up losing time and our breath slows down. And this often happens when we’re reading in the garden. Or when you’re doing something that you naturally do at work, that you’re not bored. You’re at the edge of your capacity.
You can do this in many areas of your life. And you can do this by yourself because Venus retrograde has to do with how are connected with this feeling.  How are you connected with your feelings? How are you connected with your desire to have relationships and be understood by others, but also feel the love and also share the love or just share stories and connection?
Some people do that through singing others do it through community events and giving back and group experiences
Even When Alone
I came across someone in a local city-owned Park and he was cutting back blackberries this high on a Sunday afternoon and clearing them. I asked what he was doing.
He said oh, I was going to go for a hike but decided not to and just came and did this. He was officially part of a volunteer organization that helped with a park, but just on his own he came and did that quietly. It was his way of connecting with himself, but also connecting others with beauty through what he was doing by beautifying the park.
So there are so many different ways that we can connect with either beauty or with others, but it may even be through something silent when you’re not with others.
Isn’t that interesting? He was creating, in my opinion, I felt more connection walking through there saying, look at the love and care that someone had given to this part of this park.  And I ended up having a conversation with him, but he was there doing it alone.
So it doesn’t have to be. If you’re an introvert and you want more connection, there are ways that you can show up and not have to have conversations or extroverted experiences and still have connections with people.
Read more about the planet Venus
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