The New Moon in Cancer connects you with a focused flow on July 17, 2023.
New Moon in Cancer Theme: Life can be ‘Good Again’
It’s a great time to ‘Start Over’ in an endeavor like beginning a new health routine, starting a short fast (because of Mars right now), sowing some seeds or gardening, traveling, making or acquiring jewelry. Getting married on this type of lunar day can bring balanced children and happiness.
Fresh New Energy starts July 18 with the 1st waxing moon day.
The 1st day of each lunar cycle occurs the day after the New Moon. It signifies new beginnings, and yet the energy in the first 3 days of the lunar cycle are still tender and vulnerable. It helps to write down your intentions and keep them private as the energy to help them build needs to be gathered before trying to help make them real in the world.
Time of Cancer New Moon
NEW MOON IN CANCER July 17 at 6:31 pm UTC, 7:31 pm BST (London time)
2:31 pm EDT (Eastern time), 11:31 am PDT (Pacific Time) , and July 18 at 4:31 am AEST (Australian time).
Red Day of the Month in July in Conscious Calendars
Because the New Moon occurs AFTER sunrise on July 17th, the Red Day or gentlest energy of the month pervades the entire day.
Red Days are for healing, resting, moving slowly, taking breaks and nourishing your soul and body deeply. Red Days are not negative. They are the most important day of the month to:
Stop, Listen and Love yourself even more.
Learn how to use the Red, Yellow and Green Days and see further ahead with Conscious Calendars.
For just $29/ month you get Conscious Calendars and access to all the bonuses including extensive videos giving you a deep dive on the energy of the month.