The Sign of Scorpio The sign of Scorpio is often called a mysterious or secretive constellation in Western astrology. In Vedic astrology, we take a look at the foundation energy, which has to do with water, the depths and the ocean, and the mysteries of life. That’s because the sign of Scorpio is considered the […]
New Moon in Cancer July 2023
The New Moon in Cancer connects you with a focused flow on July 17, 2023. July 17 New Moon & Red Day Make sure to take very good care of your joints and move steadily and mindfully Monday. Try not to make sudden moves. You are like a waking seeding to a cool dew filled […]
What’s Your Vedic Sun Sign?
Want to know your Sun Sign in Vedic Astrology? Your Sun sign might be different in the Vedic system. If you are here, it’s obvious you are curious about astrology and may be wondering what the difference is between Vedic and Western astrology! You may discover why your “sign” might be in a completely different […]
New Moon in Aquarius March 2, 2022
This New Moon with Jupiter luck brings seeds of hope and great change that will blossom over the next month and year. This is a sweet, hope filled New Moon. Plant seeds and intentions after the New Moon on March 2 and on March 3. Jupiter brings hope, optimism and guidance, especially when it is […]
Cosmic Rhythm Week – Sunday – Solar Eclipses
Total Solar Eclipse is Dec 3 or 4 (click to see animation of the eclipse) Dec 3 & 4 is the last solar eclipse of 2021. What a way to clear the slate just before a glorious, Green Day-filled holiday season. The December Conscious Calendars has some amazing Green Days! The eclipse shadows Earth across […]
Cosmic Rhythm Week – Sunday – Solar Eclipses
Welcome to Cosmic Rhythm Week – Solar Eclipses Today’s teaching with Kathleen Whalen for Sunday is in two parts – Solar Eclipses in this blog post and Sun and the third chakra. Today we will learn about solar eclipses according to Vedic Astrology. Keep reading to see the dates and times of the Total Solar […]
Conscious Calendars Course free to all paid subscribers
I wanted to let you know about the Conscious Calendars Course. It is free to all who have a paid CC Subscription. It’s your advanced training of the Calendars and a wonderful way to learn about the different color-coded days and how best to utilize the energy of each day to your benefit! If you […]
Aug 10, 2020 Green Day Week
Welcome to a week that begins and ends with Green Day energy Conscious Calendars helps you map and act with the daily energy of the moon each week and month. This week the Moon is waning from full and aligns with the place of ‘auspicious beginnings’ and ends the week with support and guidance from […]
Auspicious New Moon April 2020
The New Moon is in Aries on April 22 /23 This is a special healing New Moon which helps us start something new and initiates great global change. This is an auspicious new moon because it is in the FIRST lunar mansion called Ashwini, one of the most luck and “good for beginnings” moons there […]
March Equinox – Easily Cultivate Calm in your life
“The equinoxes mark the exact moments when the Earth’s axis, as it revolves around the Sun in its orbit, is tipped perfectly perpendicular to the Sun’s rays. This only occurs twice a year: during the March and September equinoxes” Wiki Commons Equinox will occur earlier every four years because of a phenomenon called “precession of […]
Mercury Retrograde February and March 2020
Mercury Retrogrades February 17 – March 10 It’s a time of Big Internal Changes Mercury retrograde is a time to RE-assess, re-view and re-form how we communicate. You can re-connect and change old stories you might have that you did not realize were holding you back. It’s a great time to change how you communicate […]
A Month of Love and Creative Inspiration – Venus in February 2020
Venus in Pisces all February Long Venus sets off a month of love, beauty and massive creativity for the entire month from February 2 – 28, 2020. One time a year, Venus enters the constellation of Pisces for just under a month. (Einstein had Venus in Pisces in his Vedic horoscope ~ and he just […]
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