The Full Moon in Sagittarius is July 3, 2023 The moon will look and feel most full on Sunday night July 2 for most of the world. And another important event is happening in July – read the full blog post to understand more about the planet Mars. Full Moon in Sagittarius – Fire and […]
Total Solar Eclipse across Australia April 2023
Total Solar Eclipse across Australia and SE Asia April 2023 There is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse on Wednesday or Thursday, April 19/20 depending on where you live. This hybrid solar eclipse means that it will appear to be an annual eclipse and then morphs into a Total Solar Eclipse over SE Asia and Australia right […]
The Happiest Man in the World
The World’s Happiest Man “Matthieu Ricard, a 66-year old Tibetan monk and geneticist, produces brain gamma waves—linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory—never before reported in neuroscience, leading researchers to conclude that Ricard is the world’s happiest man. The secret to his success in achieving bliss? Meditation, he claims.” (published in 2012) Compassion and […]
Auspicious New Moon April 2020
The New Moon is in Aries on April 22 /23 This is a special healing New Moon which helps us start something new and initiates great global change. This is an auspicious new moon because it is in the FIRST lunar mansion called Ashwini, one of the most luck and “good for beginnings” moons there […]
Yoga Moon Salutation
Full Moon and Moon Salutation Yoga This Earth sign full moon connects us with the powers of the Earth and Gaia (and with the eight Vasus, the solar gods of energy and light). This full moon brings insights and wisdom, and perceptions of truth. Meditation during this particular full moon can bring you deep new […]
Partial Lunar Eclipse July 16 or 17 2019
Partial Lunar Eclipse July 16 is the partial lunar Eclipse and Mega Red Day in the Conscious Calendars system. Mega Red Days are eclipse days. In Vedic Astrology, eclipse days are not to be used for ‘making things’ in the world or signing contracts of any kind – be that money, influence, signing contracts or […]
Yoga Sparks: Mercury and Mars bring shift and productive creativity
THREE MAJOR THINGS HAPPEN ON Oct 13! Mars moves into Virgo, Mercury moves into Libra, and it’s a Yellow Day. Mars helps us all heal now that it has some direction: Mars moves into Earth sign Virgo where Venus resides on October 13, 2017 Mars moves into Virgo (shifting an intense energy that helped spur […]