Total Solar Eclipse across Australia and SE Asia April 2023
There is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse on Wednesday or Thursday, April 19/20 depending on where you live. This hybrid solar eclipse means that it will appear to be an annual eclipse and then morphs into a Total Solar Eclipse over SE Asia and Australia right as the eclipse peaks.
Aries New Moon creates Solar Eclipse
An eclipse in Aries is going to challenge and help you to notice where you have impatience. And you might feel activated to ‘make things happen’ or to ‘take things into your hands’.
Aries is a constellation of initiating and action. It can also inspire impatience sometimes, especially with anxiety-inducing Rahu.
Rahu is the North node of the moon in Vedic astrology. It is a force which marks where the eclipse patterns reside and is associated with paranoia, anxiety, nervousness (all imbalanced Vata states in Ayurveda) and also with a drive to ‘make things happen in the world’ which is the opposite of letting go.
Thus, a driven energy like Rahu in a driven sign of Aries can encourage or help make many of us feel like ‘we need to make something happen’ quickly around the April eclipse.
Greed likely expands Global Stock Market April 2023 according to Kathleen Whalen’s interpretation using Vedic Astrology
This will drive and expand the stock market likely as many people will want to make it BIG, or try to jump on the latest trend of AI or artificial intelligence stocks.
All of this is on the heels of huge global instability with bank closures in early 2023. People’s fear will drive them to move funds into more secure havens. For instance, after the first and second bank failures of 2023, more than 500 billion dollars were moved into JP Morgan Chase from smaller banks as people sought safe havens for their funds.
It is time to stop expecting others to do things at your speed. It is a special time to develop both loving patience for others and advocate for yourself. Be kind when asking for help. This week might highlight where you want things to “move faster” in your life. Once you identify where you want support, see if you can self-serve some of what you need (research on your own) and be patient when receiving help from others while YOU help the process along.
It’s time to advocate for yourself. This eclipse is helping you identify where you might tend to be passive in your life and is pointing you to step-up and say YES to yourself, your daily routines, and your healing.
Keep reading to get a few tips on how to prepare for an eclipse to improve your life and increase success.
See this GIF to watch where the Solar Eclipse shadows the Earth provided by NASA.
The Eclipse Peaks just 5 minutes after the New Moon.
The total solar eclipse peaks on Wed April 19 at 6:17pm Hawaii Time, 9:17pm Pacific Time
and at 00:17 am just past midnight on the East Coast of Canada and the Americas of April 20, 2023.
Even though the eclipse is not visible from the U.S., Canada and the Americas, it is still a charged time to practice ‘non-doing’ and to be meditating, saying mantra or being quiet.
The Total Solar Eclipse shadows Western and NW Australia and SE Asia on Thursday, April 20 (for that time zone) and peaks at 2:28 pm AEST (Sydney).
ALL of this information has been on the Conscious Calendar for April 2023 for a year! When you are an Orion Annual subscriber, you get access to ALL of the eclipse information, so you can avoid travel, or major events and get the most benefit from these cosmic events by planning to use it for your highest good.
There are only 4 eclipses in 2023.
Eclipse Days are magical windows to Reverse Habits and Build Discipline
It’s a secret way to up-level your life!
I teach all about how to prepare for and use eclipses based on Vedic astrology principles.
YOUR CHOICES ON THE ECLIPSE DAY reverberate for 6 months into your future life.
Here are a few steps to help you prepare:
1. Go food shopping for healthy, vital food. Keep food light and vegetarian. Broth soups and Kitchari are ideal to eat on eclipse day. (Shopping Days are April 17 and 18 and May 3 and 4)
2. Practice Day: Wake on April 18 and practice as if it is the morning of the eclipse. Set aside time to go for a walk, or do yoga, or meditate – whatever it is that will ADD to your centered-self. You will see where your distractions, temptations or patterns are. (practice day is April 19 in SE Asia and Australia)
3. Wake on April 19 and 20 with the clarity and focus to enact your ‘ideal’ spiritual practices for the day are. This can include gentle exercise. Exercise is fine on eclipse days, just be gentle and please do not push yourself. The heart and blood electrolytes are more sensitive on eclipse days.
I try to do my all sets of my ideal practices like mantra, yoga, meditation, and a walk in nature first thing. It helps me stay committed to these practices for 6 months!
Personally, I also exert extra effort to not eat sugar or bread or dairy since these are my weaknesses. Choose what you want to reverse and then don’t do them on the eclipse day. It will be SO MUCH EASIER to say no for the next 6 months. Test it for yourself. I’ve tested it both ways, with success and when I slipped and then struggled for the next 6 months.
Some examples: Your habit you want to reverse could be to not watch TV, or not spend money on something or to stop smoking or not swear. Choose ONE thing to reverse and then test it!
See that it works.
I’ve extracted these practices from the foundations of Vedic Astrology and I’ve shared it with many yoga and spiritual teachers who now spread these practices to help more people uplevel their lives with the eclipses!
We can support each other with the BIG shifts coming in April 2023.
To see more details on where the eclipse shadows, see the map at the end of this post. Keep reading for how to prepare for the eclipse, wherever you live.
How Long will the Solar Eclipse last?
The duration of the eclipse is different depending on where you live.
For instance, Perth, Australia in Western Australia will not see a Total Solar Eclipse but can see the eclipse for 2 hours and 17 minutes (10:am – 12:46 Western Australia Time).
Sydney, Australia will only see a small bit of the eclipse, and the eclipse lasts 1 hour 42 minutes from 1:36 – 3:18pm AEST.
See next blog post for more on the big shifts.
You have the opportunity to shift your karmas at some very deep levels. I am so happy that you have this sacred information.
Orion and Luna Subscribers get access to the Conscious Calendars Course and Mega Red Day or Eclipse Reports which give you detailed information on how to prepare and use every Eclipse for exponential inner growth which lays the foundation for immense success.
Plan easier and tap into your intuition and manifesting abilities when you know the Green Days in the future! Get a few months or a year of Calendars now.
Details on where the Eclipse will shadow are below:
The solar eclipse on April 20, 2023 will shadow East Timor and West Papua, and will also affect a small portion of the Northwest coast of Western Australia.
Solar Eclipse 2023-april-20 details
April 20, 2023
Visibility: Australia, Antarctica, Southeast Asia