The Great American Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023
The great American solar eclipse of 2023 will be annular and pass across the United States, and Central and South America. Eclipses come in pairs. A solar and lunar eclipse will always be 2 weeks apart because they each occur on a new and then full moon. The end of 2023 has only 2 eclipses, a solar eclipse on October 14 and a lunar eclipse on October 28, 2023.
This annular solar eclipse crosses Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, and parts of Texas including San Antonio. It also crosses Merida, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, and parts of the Amazon in Brazil.
Vedic Astrology suggests NOT viewing eclipses.
Similarly, the Navajo do not view solar eclipses. National parks in the Navajo lands will be closed in the U.S. “In Navajo culture, an eclipse is a new beginning. The Navajo word for a solar eclipse jóhonaa’éí daaztsą́ means “the death of the sun” according to Navajo traditional teachings. During a solar eclipse, many Navajo people will remain inside, fasting and praying. When the sun returns, it’s considered a new birth and a recognized time to make resolutions.” from Navajo-Hopi Observer
Keep reading to see the eclipse locations from NASA, a link to find if the eclipse is visible where you are, and the cosmic, 6-hour window for deepening your personal spiritual practices.
New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon is in Virgo on October 14th (see the exact times of the New Moon below). This solar eclipse lights up both Virgo and Libra energies because the ‘eclipse patterns of Ketu and Rahu’ are shifting from Libra/Aries to Virgo/Pisces soon – and this last eclipse is helping us all finish a cycle in our life.
If Libra is an important constellation in your personal Vedic Astrology chart, then you will notice that you have been transforming challenges in one significant area of your life. Libra relates to one house or one of 12 areas of your life. So, if you have been feeling stressed, felt the pressure for the last 18 months, or have been rising to some big challenges (possibly every six months around the eclipses) then you are finishing this life lesson.
As you look at your life, notice what pattern emerges in October. This is the area of life where you are being asked to develop some higher vibration skill sets. How we react is a choice. You are being given practice sessions every six months.
Times of the New Moon in Virgo around the world
Here are the times of the New Moon. Note that the moon becomes ‘new’ at the peak of the solar eclipse:
Oct 14: 5:55 pm UTC, 6:55 pm BST, 1:55 pm EDT Eastern Time in the US, 10:55 am PDT Pacific Time in the US
Oct 15: 4:55 am AEDT in Australia Eastern Time
Libra – The constellation that challenges balance or highlights your fantasies about one area of life
The constellation of Libra is represented by the glyph for balance – the scales of balance in life. What is ironic, is that Libra often highlights for each of us the one area that we have patterns of perfection, desires, or fantasies of an ideal life that do not coincide with what we often choose.
For instance, if someone is a Libra ascendant, they often put themselves under so much pressure to live an ideally ‘balanced life’ that they are overdoing, overextending themselves, and rarely feel like life is balanced. The eclipses of October highlight whatever house Libra is in your personal Vedic Astrology chart. (If it is your 10th house, then you likely work very hard and find it hard to develop a work-living and fun balance.)
The good news is that these challenges are coming to the completion of its cycle because this set of eclipses in October 2023 is the third of three eclipses in Libra and Aries.
The eclipses bring drama, distraction, or rising to the challenge by improving yourself in one area of life for 18 months at a time. This cycle is coming to a completion soon, but there are some important things to know about how to use these eclipses. I talked about this cycle in the Q4 2023 Vedic Astrology class.
Eclipse pattern in Libra – called Ketu
The eclipse pattern or Ketu in Vedic Astrology is called the TAIL of the serpent or the South Node of the eclipses. The eclipse pattern is an invisible line that predicts the exact place in the sky where the Earth, Moon, and Sun will align to create a solar or lunar eclipse.
This October, the New Moon aligns with Ketu in Libra and creates an annular solar eclipse.
Ketu is the energy of where our soul longs to go. In this case, we are being asked to look at what is really happening in our lives, and what we long for. Once you admit to the realities, you can chart a course to change the patterns – but chart the new course in November. Eclipses are not the time to set new intentions. They are days to reverse patterns. Setting intentions is for another time.
It is important to re-commit to what is good for your soul and what your soul NEEDS (not about your personal wants or desires because eclipse days highlight our desires). Once you create the foundation for a solid personal practice and what your soul and spirit need (silence, quiet, nourishment) on the Solar Eclipse day, then later, when we are out of the eclipse patterns in November, you can see where your next steps are.
The Lunar Eclipse will be in Aries on October 28, 2023.
Find When the Solar Eclipse Occurs in Your Time Zone
The eclipse or Mega Red Day in Conscious Calendars begins in one geographic location and finishes shadowing the Earth in another location.
The time of Greatest or Maximum Eclipse is 18:00 or 6:00 pm UTC.
Even though the eclipse cannot be seen in many locations around the world, I like to share with you the 6-hour window that the eclipse is happening.
Ideally, it is helpful to ‘not do’ things like meditation, fasting, mantra, journaling, resting, contemplation, or withdrawing from the world during the eclipse. If you must work or have an event, that is ok! You can still meditate or do your personal spiritual practices before and after work that day and still get immense personal benefit to your spiritual path.
The 6-hour window in UTC Time is 15:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC on October 14 from the beginning of the first location to see the partial eclipse to the last location to see the partial eclipse ends.
Scroll down to see the NASA maps of the eclipse.
Find Your 6-Hour Window
Universal Time 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm UTC Saturday, Oct 14, 2023
New York City’s 6-hour window is 11:00 am – 5:00 pm EST Saturday, Oct 14, 2023
Vancouver B.C., Seattle, WA and Los Angeles, CA or Pacific Time’s 6-hour window is 8:00am – 2:00pm PST Saturday Oct 14, 2023
London’s 6-hour window is 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm BST Saturday, Oct 14, 2023 or 16:00 BST – 22:00 BST
Sydney’s 6-hour window is 2:00 am – 8:00 am AEDT Sunday, Oct 15, 2023
Eclipse Energetics according to Vedic Astrology
Vedic or Indian astrologers have been mapping eclipses for at least 7,000 years. Eclipses are considered special windows to develop your soul. They are not times to build ‘worldly things’ like money, career, babies, romance or fame. So launches, events, weddings, and conferences are not the best events to have during an eclipse according to Vedic Astrology. People might feel stressed more easily around eclipses. Eclipses are times when we can be personally challenged, and so when we choose to withdraw and focus on our spiritual path, we build the patterns for personal success and emotional content.
On the solar eclipse day, be gentle with yourself and use October 14 as an important window to reverse habits and build discipline when you set the day aside for your ideal spiritual practices and commit to them on that day. Your spiritual practices could be a daily walk, 15 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of silence, and eating healthy – or all of them.
It will set the pattern for the next six months! (Setting a pattern for the next 6 months is a special secret embedded within the Vedic knowledge and Kathleen has used the wisdom to make it easy to apply for personal development. Learn about the secrets of eclipses in the Mega Red Day report that you receive for free when you become a Conscious Calendar member of a monthly or one-year subscription.)
Kathleen Whalen named eclipse Mega Red Days back in 2009 to help highlight that there are 4 to 6 important days each year to NOT hold an event and that are special days for your personal growth.
The Great American Eclipse is going through Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Mexico, Belize, Colombia, and Brazil.
Energetic stress or windows to advance your spiritual life
The places on Earth that an eclipse shadows experience greater energetic stress. The sea, land, people, animals, and plants where a solar eclipse shadows experience the effects of the eclipse for years after the shadow event.
This is why it is recommended in Vedic Astrology to not view eclipses; to stay indoors and retreat inward and cultivate calm. That is why it is so helpful to have Conscious Calendars because you can see all the eclipse days or Mega Red Days for an entire year.
I call them Mega Red Days, because I just wanted to bring attention to the fact that these are important days every year for your spiritual practices. Eclipse Days are not about making babies or making money, or projecting and being a co-creator. What you’re doing is actually reversing patterns on eclipse days. It’s amazing what you can do on Eclipse days. And it’s amazing what peace and quiet can be cultivated on these days.
Below you will find additional details on the specific locations and event times, but first here are a few Vedic astrology tips on what to do on eclipse days in general:
Protecting Yourself During a Solar Eclipse and Reverse Karmic Patterns
Vedic Astrology says to NOT view eclipses, even with eye protection. Protect your health and karma by taking these precautions:
- Do not eat during a solar eclipse. Fast for the time of a solar eclipse
- Take a bath or immerse yourself in seawater. There are alchemical protections to your biodynamic field (your subtle body) when you immerse yourself in water or seawater during a solar eclipse. Especially, if it is shadowing where you live
- Say mantras, meditate, or withdraw from the world at the Peak of the eclipse
- Special window of REVERSE energy specific to Kathleen’s interpretation of Vedic principles. See the Mega Red Day Report in the Quarterly Class or that all Premium paid subscribers to Conscious Calendars receive
- Set yourself up for success two days before the eclipse and test your daily routines the day before the eclipse. Wherever you are challenged on your commitment, you get to try again on the eclipse day and succeed! Increase your spiritual discipline and reverse karmic patterns on eclipse days – a big secret Kathleen shares with you.
- Try to be in meditation or withdrawn from the world at peak eclipse (at 1:22 pm EST or 9:20 am PST) and set a resolve or vow at this time for self-improvement. You are seeding your subconscious mind which helps you reverse a habit or stop a pattern you want to change.
Read More Here About Eclipse Tips and Mega Red Days
Where the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse shadows the Earth October 14, 2023
The path of the annular solar eclipse starts to shadow land in Oregon, United States, and travels across the U.S. to San Antonio, Texas. “It next visits Mexico and Central America, passing over Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. The annular eclipse crosses into South America in Colombia. It passes over Northern Brazil before ending at sunset in the Atlantic Ocean.” from NASA (
This is called the Great America Eclipse because the solar eclipse shadows North, Central and then South America. And is visible from Oregon, United States, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Panama, Colombia, and Brazil.
Links to NASA
NASA October 2023 Annular Eclipse Overview
Eclipse map – see if it shadows where you live
Time And Date: Annular Solar Eclipse Details
Time And Date: Eclipse Map & Locations
Great American Solar Eclipse on October 14 – Partial Eclipse
While this October Solar Eclipse is annular, some locations outside of the primary area covered by the Moon’s shadow will be able to partially view the solar eclipse.
Countries Where the Eclipse Is Visible
The eclipse is visible in the following countries:
Belize, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and the United States.
Times of the Annular Solar Eclipse across the world
The time of Maximum Eclipse is at 18:00 UTC (Universal Time which is one hour different from British Summer Time BST).
Find the time that the eclipse occurs where you live below. For instance, “In the U.S., the annular solar eclipse begins in Oregon at 9:13 a.m. PDT and ends in Texas at 12:03 p.m. CDT.” -NASA
The greatest point of the annular eclipse lasts for 5 min., 17 sec. It reaches peak annularity while it shadows the following places: Oregon, Nevada, Utah, into Texas, and crosses San Antonio to Merida, Mexico.
The 6-hour window of the solar eclipse across the world is from 11 am – 5 pm UTC
Los Angeles, CA
Begins: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 8:07 am
Maximum Peak: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 9:24 am
Ends: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 10:50 am
Duration: 2 hours, 42 minutes
The 6-hour window of eclipse from beginning to end across the world is 8:00 am – 2:00 pm EST Saturday, Oct 14, 2023, in Los Angeles, CA, and all PST time zones.
Pacific Time: Note that the visibility of the eclipse is finished by 11am for Pacific Time locally, but the effects of the special 6-hour window continue to be open for you to do your practices and reverse habits. Doing your special spiritual practices like mantra or meditation at 9:24 am Pacific Time at maximum eclipse for you locally.
Another approach is to continue tap into the cosmic portal at the time of Greatest Eclipse world-wide which is right in the middle of the 6-hour window.
This means the time of Greatest Eclipse, when the eclipse is at its maximum in Texas will be at 11:00am Pacific Time. So, this is another powerful point in the 6-hour window.
You choose how you want to use your 6-hour window.
New York City, NY
Begins: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 12:08 pm
Maximum Peak: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 1:22 pm
Ends: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 2:36 pm
Duration: 2 hours, 27 minutes
The 6-hour window of eclipse from beginning to end across the world is 11:00 am – 5:00 pm EST Saturday, Oct 14, 2023, in New York City, NY, and all EST time zones.
London, UK
Not visible
London, UK your 6-hour window is from 12:00 noon – 6 pm BST. The eclipse is not visible in London, UK.
Dubai, UAE
Not visible
Dubai, UAE your 6-hour window is 7:00 pm – 1:00 am Dubai, UAE ending Sunday, Oct 15, 2023, or 19:00 – 01:00 am GST
Start of Partial: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 6:21 pm AZOST
End of Partial: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 7:05 pm AZOST
Start of Partial: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 7:24 pm WEST
End of Partial: Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 7:42 pm WEST
Sydney, Australia
Not visible.
Sydney’s 6-hour window is 2:00 am – 8:00 am AEDT Sunday, Oct 15, 2023
The solar eclipse is not visible in the following countries and is not limited to the countries listed below:
United Kingdom
The Solar Eclipse not visible in the U.K., but the Partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in the U.K. on October 28, 2023.
The Solar Eclipse not visible in Australia, but the Partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in Australia on October 29, 2023.
The Solar Eclipse not visible in France, but the Partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in France on October 28, 2023.
The Solar Eclipse is visible in parts of Spain on Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 7:24 pm
The Partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in Spain on October 28, 2023.
The Solar Eclipse not visible in Africa. The Partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in Africa on October 28, 2023.
The Solar Eclipse not visible in UAE. The Partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in UAE on October 28, 2023.
You can protect yourself from the effects of solar activity with simple breathing and meditation techniques.
Click here for our blog post on the October 28, 2023 Lunar Eclipse
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Other interesting Effects of Solar Eclipses
Solar Eclipses affect the Earth’s Ionosphere – See the NASA experiment to document the effects
Learn how Eclipses affect wildlife with the Eclipse Soundscapes Project and NASA